1540 Services d'accès haute vitesse de gros fournis par les câblodistributeurs : Contributions

Personne-ressource du Groupe de travail

Vice-président : Paul Anderson
Vice-président : Nathan Jarrett

Personnel du CRTC : Matthew Alexander

Calendrier des réunions



1540CO001a.docx – CNOC - Status of Installation and Trouble Tickets – 13 mars 2015

1540CO001aa.docx – 1540 TIF 1 Issue 2: Interaction with C-LOG Service Cancellation – 4 octobre 2016

1540CO01ab.docx – TPIA End-User Service and Trouble Ticket Process Guidelines Version 2.4.1

1540CO001ac.docx – TPIA End-User Service and Trouble Ticket Process Guidelines Version 2.4.3

1540CO01ad.docx – TPIA Neutrality - 11 juillet 2017

1540CO01ae.docx – TPIA End-User Service and Trouble Ticket Process Guidelines Version 2.6

1540CO01af.docx – TPIA End-User Service and Trouble Ticket Process Guidelines - Version 2.x

1540CO0001b.pdf – Cogeco - Status of Installation and Trouble Tickets – 1 avril 2015

1540CO0001c.docx – Shaw - Trouble Escalation Process – 1 avril 2015

1540CO001d.pdf – Quebecor Media - Status of Installation Orders and Trouble Tickets – 1 avril 2015

1540CO0001e.docx – Rogers - Status of Installation Orders and Trouble Tickets – 14 avril 2015

1540CO001f.docx – CNOC - Status of Installation and Trouble Tickets (with zip attachment) – 14 avril 2015

1540CO001f.zip – CNOC – TIF 1 – Appendicies.zip - 14 avril 2015

1540CO01w.xls – CNOC – TIF 1 Issue 2– Transfer Flowchart- 28 août 2016

1540CO01v.docx – CNOC – Chairs summary of TIF 1 issues 1,2,3 - 28 août 2016

1540CO01g.docx – Shaw - Trouble Escalation Process (with zip attachment) – 25 avril 2015

1540CO01g - attachment.docx – Shaw - Trouble Escalation Process – 25 avril 2015

1540CO01h.docx – Quebecor Media - Status of Installation Orders and Trouble Tickets – 8 juin 2015

1540CO01i.docx – CNOC - Status of Installation and Trouble Tickets – 8 juin 2015

1540CO01j.docx – CNOC - Status of Installation and Trouble Tickets – 22 juin 2015

1540CO01k.docx – Rogers - Status of Installation Orders and Trouble Tickets (with attachment) – 7 juilllet 2015

1540CO01k - attachment.docx – Rogers - Status of Installation Orders and Trouble Tickets – 7 juillet 2015

1540CO01l.docx – CNOC - Status of Installation and Trouble Tickets (with attachment) – 4 août 2015

1540CO01l - attachment.docx – CNOC - Status of Installation and Trouble Tickets – 4 août 2015

1540CO01m.doc – Shaw - Trouble Escalation Process (with attachment) – 17 août 2015

1540CO01m - attachment.doc – Shaw - Trouble Escalation Process – 17 août 2015

1540CO01n.docx – CNOC - Status of Installation and Trouble Tickets (with attachment) – 10 septembre 2015

1540CO01n - attachment.docx – CNOC - Status of Installation and Trouble Tickets – 10 septembre 2015

1540CO010o.docx – CNOC - Status of Installation and Trouble Tickets (with attachment) – 10 septembre 2015

1540CO010o - attachment.docx – CNOC - Status of Installation and Trouble Tickets – 10 septembre 2015

1540CO010p.docx – CNOC - Status of Installation and Trouble Tickets – 30 novembre 2015

1540CO01q.docx – List of issues – End User and Trouble Ticket Process Rev 1 – 9 mai 2016

1540CO01r.docx – CNOC - Status of Installation and Trouble Tickets – 24 mai 2016

1540CO01s.docx – Chairs Summary of Issues – 9 juin 2016

1540CO01t.docx – Chairs Summary of Issues – 4 juillet 2016

1540CO01u.docx – Chairs Summary of Issues – 19 juillet 2016

1540CO01v.docx – Chairs Summary of Issues – 19 août 2016

1540CO01w.xlsx – TIF Transfer Flowchart Issue 1 – 21 août 2016

1540CO01x.docx – CNOC -Advance Notice of Network Changes – 12 Septembre 2016

1540CO01y.docx – Chairs summary of TIF 1 Issues 1-7 version 3 – 31 août 2016

1540CO01z.xlsx –- TIF 1 Issue 2 - Transfer flowchart Issue 2– 6 Septembre 2016

1540CO002a.docx – CNOC - Trouble Escalation Process – 13 mars 2015

1540CO0002b.docx – Shaw - Trouble Escalation Process – 1 avril 2015

1540CO0002c.docx – Rogers - Trouble Escalation Process – 1 avril 2015

1540CO002d.docx – CNOC - Trouble Escalation Process (with zip attachment) – 14 avril 2015

1540CO002d.zip – Trouble Escalation Process - Appendicies.zip - 14 avril 2015

1540CO02e.docx – CNOC - Trouble Escalation Process (with zip attachment) – 19 octobre 2015

1540CO02e - attachment.docx – CNOC - Trouble Escalation Process – 19 octobre 2015

1540CO003a.docx – CNOC - Advance Notice of Network Changes – 13 mars 2015

1540CO0003b.pdf – Quebecor Media - Advance Notice of Network Changes – 31 mars 2015

1540CO0003c.docx – Rogers - Advance Notice of Network Changes – 1 avril 2015

1540CO003d.docx – CNOC - Advance Notice of Network Changes (with zip attachment) – 14 avril 2015

1540CO003d - attachment.docx – CNOC - Advance Notice of Network Changes (with zip attachment) – 14 avril 2015

1540CO003e.docx – TekSavvy - Advance Notice of Network Changes – 14 avril 2015

1540CO03f.docx – Quebecor Media - Advance Notice of Network Changes (with attachment) – 30 avril 2015

1540CO03f - attachment.docx – Quebecor Media - Advance Notice of Network Changes – 30 avril 2015

1540CO03g.docx – CNOC - Advance Notice of Network Changes (with attachment) – 19 octobre 2015

1540CO03g - attachment.docx – CNOC - Advance Notice of Network Changes – 19 octobre2015

1540CO03h.docx – Quebecor Media - Advance Notice of Network Changes (with attachment) – 19 octobre 2015

1540CO03h - attachment.docx – Quebecor Media - Advance Notice of Network Changes – 19 octobre 2015

1540CO03i.docx – CNOC - Advance Notice of Network Changes (with attachment) – 30 novembre 2015

1540CO03i - attachment.docx – CNOC - Advance Notice of Network Changes – 30 novembre 2015

1540CO03j.docx – TekSavvy - Advance Notice of Network Changes (with attachment) – 7 décembre 2015

1540CO03j - attachment.docx – TekSavvy - Advance Notice of Network Changes – 7 décembre 2015

1540CO03k.docx – Rogers - Advance Notice of Network Modifications – 30 novembre 2015

1540CO03l.docx – CNOC - Advance Notice of Network Changes – 18 janvier 2016

1540CO03m.docx – Quebecor Media - Advance Notice of Network Changes – 9 février 2016

1540CO03n.docx – CNOC - Advance Notice of Network Changes – 29 février 2016

1540CO03o.docx – List of issues- Network Management Guidelines Rev 1 – 9 mai 2016

1540CO03p.docx – Chairs Summary of Issues and Proposals Rev 1 – 4 juillet 2016

1540CO03q.docx - TIF 2 and 3 Contribution History and Outstanding Issues – 25 September 2019

1540CO03r.docx - Scheduled Network Modifications and Outages – Restrictions on supported modems for service speeds – 30 October 2017

1540CO03s.docx - Advance Notice of Network Changes – 23 October 2017

1540CO03t.docx - TIF 2 and 3 Contribution History and Outstanding Issues – 27 November 2017

1540CO03u.docx - Node Segmentation Notifications- 17 avril 2018

1540CO03v.docx - Request for Postmortem – Request and Response Period 19 avril 2018

1540CO03w.docx - Network Trouble Escalation Process and Advance Notice of Network Changes – 4 February 2019

Date de modification :