TNL - Critères de déploiement : Contributions

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1) Regarding TIF - ROTF01.DOC "Request-driven versus Pre-determined Roll-out Schedule"

TPCO0118.RTF - 3262 octets - Joint BCTEL & Metronet Contribution to the LNP Trial Test Plan Sub-group regarding TPTF001 LNP Trial Participants and Location(s)

ROCO0101.DOC - 19968 octets - Contribution from Microcell Telecom Inc. regarding TIF1 "Request-driven versus Pre-determined Roll-out Schedule"

ROCO0102.DOC - 15360 octets - This memo is to the LNP Roll-out Sub-group and is Stentor's contribution regarding ROTF001 "Request-driven versus Pre-determined Roll-out Schedule"

ROCO0103.DOC - 18944 octets - Predetermined Schedule vs Request Rollout

ROCO0104.DOC - 17408 octets - Contribution of Call Net Local Services Group (Call-Net) Regarding Request Driven vs. Pre-Determined Rollout Schedule (Task Identification Form No. 1)

ROCO0105.DOC - 15872 octets - Metronet Contribution-Predetermined Roll Out schedule/Criteria

ROCO0106.DOC - 20480 octets - Contribution from Clearnet Communications Inc. regarding TIF1 "Request-driven versus Pre-determined Roll-out Schedule"

ROCO0107.DOC - 11776 octets - Proposed Consensus Resolution to ROTF001

2) Regarding TIF - ROTF02.DOC "Pre-determined Roll-out Schedule/Criteria"

ROCO0221.DOC - 13824 octets - Pre-Determined Roll-out Schedule Submitted by Stentor on July 29, 1997 (Revised Roll-out Schedule Proposal)

TPCO0209.RTF - 2373 octets - Contribution to the LNP Test Plan SWG from Sprint Canada regarding TPTF002

ROCO0201.DOC - 13312 octets - Contribution from Clearnet Communications Inc. regarding TIF2 "Request-driven versus Pre-determined Roll-out Schedule"

ROCO0202.DOC - 15872 octets - MetroNet Contribution- Predetermined Roll Out schedule/Criteria

ROCO0203.DOC - 23040 octets - Contribution to ROTF002: Pre-determined Roll-out Schedule/Criteria

ROCO0204.DOC - 18944 octets - Stentor Contribution to the LNP Rollout Sub-Group regarding ROTF002

ROCO0206.DOC - 16384 octets - CCTA Contribution to ROT002 and ROT003

ROCO0207.DOC - 18432 octets - FCC Criteria for Roll-Out of Telephone Number Portability

ROCO0208.XLS - 24576 octets

ROCO0209.DOC - 27648 octets - MetroNet Contribution- Predetermined Roll Out schedule/Criteria

ROCO0210.DOC - 19456 octets - This contribution is further to Stentor's contribution ROTF002 - C04, sousmis le 24 juin 1997

ROCO0211.DOC - 16384 octets - CCTA Contribution to TIF 2

ROCO0212.DOC - 18944 octets - fONOROLA's Contribution - Predetermined Schedule

ROCO0213.DOC - 25600 octets - MetroNet

ROCO0214.DOC - 25600 octets - AT&T Canada LDS

ROCO0215.DOC - 23552 octets - Microcell Connexions

ROCO0216.DOC - 26112 octets - CCTA

ROCO0217.DOC - 27648 octets - Sprint Canada

ROCO0218.PPT - 68096 octets

40PPT.PPT - 28672 octets

ROCO0219.DOC - 11264 octets - Contribution from Videotron Télécom Ltée on Pre-determined Rollout Schedule & Criteria

ROCO0220.DOC - 26624 octets - Comparison of Positions Regarding Pre-determined Rollout Criteria

ROCO0221.RTF - 6871 octets - Stentor, le 29 juillet 1997 Revised roll-out schedule proposal

ROCO0222.DOC - 16ko - ROTF 02 - LNP Roll-Out Wire Centre Priorities for P1 Locations revised on May 7, 1998 submitted by Microcell Communications Inc. (Microcell), MetroNet Communications Corp. (MetroNet), Sprint Canada Inc., and Vidéotron ltée

ROCO0223.DOC - 18432 octets - Industry Priority List - Pre-dertimined Roll-Out Schedule and Criteria (fONOROLA) - 1998/01/29

ROCO0224.DOC - 38912 octets - Transition Date - Pre-determined Roll-Out Schedule and Criteria (Telus Contribution) 1998/02/12

ROCO0225.DOC - 16384 octets - Definition of the Montreal Core - Pre-determined Roll-Out Schedule and Criteria (Videotron Contribution) 1998/02/19

ROCO0226.DOC - 16384 octets - BC TEL - LNP Roll-Out Wire Centre Priorities for P1 - 1998/02/28

ROCO0227.DOC - 16384 octets - TELUS - Comments on Wire Centre Priorities - 1998/03/04

ROCO0228.DOC - 16384 octets - Bell Canada - Pre-determined Roll-Out Schedule/Criteria - 1998/03/04

ROCO0229.DOC - 16384 octets - Sprint Canada Inc. - Identification of EAS/EFRC Wire Centres - 1998/06/16

ROCO0230.DOC - 16384 octets - Stentor - Preparation for roll-out in priority 2 cities - 1998/06/26

ROCO0231.DOC - 17920 octets - Vidéotron Telecom Ltée. - LNI/LNP deployment intervals for Priority 2 cities - 1998/07/23

ROLE002.DOC - 16896 octets - Microcell's Contribution to Code ROTF002

ROCO0232.DOC - 12800 octets - LNP Rollout Date for Edmonton - Submission from TELUS on July 28th

ROCO0233.DOC - 16384 octets - LNP Rollout Date for Edmonton - Submission from MetroNet on July 28th

ROCO0234.DOC - 16896 octets - LNP Roll-out Priority 2 Locations - Submission from BC Tel on August 13th

ROCO0235.DOC - 38400 octets - Preparation for roll-out in priority 2 cities - Submission from Stentor on September 1st

ROCO0236.DOC - 14336 octets - LNP Rollout Date for Edmonton - Submission from TELUS on September 1st

ROCO0237.DOC - 14ko - CISC LNP Rollout Sub-Working Group

3) Regarding TIF - ROTF03.DOC "Request Roll-out Schedule/Criteria"

ROCO0301.DOC - 15360 octets - MetroNet Contribution - Predetermined Roll Out schedule/Criteria

ROCO0303.DOC - 23552 octets - CCTA Contribution to ROT002 and ROT003

ROCO0304.DOC - 18432 octets - FCC Criteria for Roll-Out of Telephone Number Portability

ROCO0305.DOC - 11776 octets - Contribution to ROTF003: Request-driven Roll-out Schedule/Criteria

ROCO0306.DOC - 16384 octets - Stentor Contribution to the LNP Rollout Sub-Group Regarding ROTF003

ROCO0307.DOC - 16384 octets - TIF Review - ROTF003 - Request Driven Rollout Consensus Proposal

ROCO0308.DOC - 19456 octets - Summary of Contributions

ROCO0310.DOC - 14336 octets - Comments - Consensus Proposal - Submission from Stentor on February 25

ROCO0311.DOC - 13824 octets - Request Driven Rollout Consensus Proposal (version 3.0) - Submission from LNP RollOut CISC Sub Working Group on February 25

ROCO0312.DOC - 22016 octets - 3 Request driven roll-out process - Submission from Vidéotron Telecom ltée on March 5

ROCO0313.DOC - 13312 octets - Proposed Addition to TIF3 Consensus Proposal - Submission from Microcell on March 6

ROCO0314.DOC - 12800 octets - CCTA Contribution to TIF 3 - Submission from Stentor on March 10

ROCO0315.DOC - 17408 octets - 3 Request driven roll-out process - Submission from Vidéotron Telecom ltée on March 12

ROCO0316.DOC - 13824 octets - Driven Rollout Consensus Proposal (version 3.0) - Submission from LNP Roll Out CISC Sub Working Group on March 13

ROCO0317.DOC - 13824 octets - Driven Rollout Consensus Proposal (version 5.0) - Submission from LNP Roll Out CISC Sub Working Group on March 24

4) Regarding TIF - ROTF04.DOC "Business Systems Operational Requirements"

ROLE04.DOC - 14336 octets

ROCO0401.DOC - 12,288 octets - CCTA's contribution regarding pre-determined roll-out and switch readiness - Submission from LNP ROLL-OUT SWG April 14

ROCO0402.DOC - 14848 octets - LNP Roll Out Process- Submission from fONOROLA April 20

ROCO0403.DOC - 15,60 octets - Draft Definitions for Roll-out Revision of ROCO0403 - Submission from Stentor May 26

ROCO0404.DOC - 15360 octets - Consensus Proposal Definitions for LNP Implementation Terms - Submission from Stentor June 2


ROCO0406.DOC - 15872 octets - PROPOSED CONSENSUS - Draft Definitions for LNP Implementation Terms - Submission from Stentor June 24

ROCO0407.DOC - 17920 octets - Draft Definitions for LNP Implementation Terms - Submission from Vidéotron Telecom ltée on June 17

ROCO0408.DOC - 11264 octets - CALL-NET COMMENTS ON ROCO0406 Call-Net Enterprises Inc. recommends that the following wording should be added to the end of the Commercial LNP Ready Date definition in ROCO0406 - 1998/07/08

ROCO0409.DOC - 28ko - Business & Systems Operational Requirements. Industry notification process for portable NPA-NXX and first port. DATE SUBMITTED: December 3rd, 1998 - Vidéotron Télécom ltée. Guy Robert. ISSUES ADDRESSED: Impact of the industry notification process on the LNP deployment intervals outlined in RORE3b - Draft - Consensus Resolution to ROTF3

ROCO0410.DOC - 17ko - Industry consensus - Interim Notification Process for Declaring an Exchange Portable. Date soumise, le 7 janvier 1999. - LNP Roll-Out SWG

5) Regarding TIF - ROTF05.DOC "Financial Commitments"

ROCO0502.DOC - 12800 octets - Contribution to ROTF005: Financial Commitments

ROCO0503.DOC - 20992 octets - CCTA Contribution to ROT005.

ROCO0504.DOC - 16384 octets - MetroNet Contribution - Financial Commitments

ROCO0505.DOC - 17408 octets - Stentor Contribution to the LNP Rollout Sub-Group Regarding ROTF005

ROCO0506.DOC - 16384 octets - Vidéotron Telecom Ltée 98-03-18 - Conditions for the relevance of financial commitments associated with the roll-out of LNP.

ROCO0507.DOC - 15360 octets - Stentor Contribution - Submitted April 9th, 1998 Comments on Necessity of Financial Commitments for Request - driven Rollout

ROCO0508.DOC - 21504 octets - Submitted April 9th, 1998 - Vidéotron Contribution - Commitments and conditions for request-driven deployment

ROCO0509.DOC - 20992 octets - 5 Request-driven LNP roll-out commitments - Submission from Vidéotron Telecom ltée on May 28

ROCO0510.DOC - 15360 octets - STENTOR CONTRIBUTION ROCO0510 - Submission from Stentor on June 3

ROCO0511.DOC - 24064 octets - Criteria and conditions applicable to request-driven LNP deployment - Submission from Vidéotron Telecom ltée

ROCO0512.DOC - 17920 octets - REQUEST DRIVEN LNP ROLLOUT CRITERIA - Submission from CALL-NET on July 29

ROCO0513.DOC - 13,312 octets - Financial Commitments - Submission from Stentor on August 25

6) Regarding TIF - ROTF06.DOC "Technical Limitations to LNP Roll-Out"

ROCO0601.DOC - 17408 octets - Stentor Contribution to the LNP Rollout Sub-Group regarding ROTF006

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