Agenda for the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) Meeting of 8 August 2019


Type of meeting: Email walk-around meeting

1. 1. Approval of previous minutes

E-meeting of 12 June 2019 (SCMI1903E)

2. New reports

The Emergency Services Working Group (ESWG) submitted the following report for approval:

  1. NG9-1-1 Reliability, Resiliency, and Security Best Practices & Standards (ESRE0088)

The 1540 Wholesale High-Speed Access Working Group (1540 Working Group) submitted the following report and associated guidelines for approval:

  1. Network Trouble Escalation Process and Advance Notice of Network Changes (Non-Consensus) (1540RE05)
  2. Third Party Internet Access (TPIA) Guidelines, Version 2.0 (1540GLTPIANMGL)

3. New Task Identification Forms (TIFs)

The Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN) submitted the following TIFs for approval:

  1. Update Canadian International Mobile Subscription Identity (“IMSI”) Assignment Guideline (CNTF104A)
    ii) Review of the relief planning and number forecast processes associated with Relief of an Overlay NPA Complex (CNTF105A)

4. Work Group Co-Chair appointment

The 1540 Working Group recommended the appointment of Nathan Jarrett as Co-Chair

5. Next meetings

Future CISC meetings will be scheduled as needed

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