Agenda for Steering Committee Meeting of
10 June 2011


Type of meeting: Teleconference

1. Meeting will start at 11 a.m. Ottawa time

Numéro à composer : 1-877-413-4790

Code : 2208925


2. Roll Call


3. Approval of Agenda


4. Approval of previous Steering Committee (SC) minutes

Walk-around meeting of 28 March 2011 (SCMI1103E.doc - 49KB).


5. New TIF

            The Emergency Services Working Group (ESWG) submitted the following TIF for approval:

  • Wireless Phase II Location Accuracy in Canada (ESTF0069.doc - 98KB)

The Network Working Group (NTWG) submitted the following TIF for approval:

  • Static IP address allocation for TPIA services (NTTF026.doc - 63KB)

6. Reports

The NPA Relief Implementation Working Group submitted the following consensus reports for approval:

Revised NPA 819 Relief Implementation Plan (819RE02A.doc - 892KB)

NPA 250/604/778 Planning Document (with one non-consensus item) (250/604/

NPA 416/647 Planning Document ( - 975KB)

NPA 416/647 Relief Implementation Plan (416-647RE02A - 892KB)


7. Chair Reports

i) CSCN Chair Report (Fiona Clegg for Chair) (CNMR1101.doc - 70KB)

ii) NPA Relief Implementation Working Group (Glen Pilley) - (NPA_RPC_Chair_Report_Jun03_11.doc - 78KB)

iii) BPWG (Peter Lang) (BPSRJun11.doc - 64KB)

iv) Emergency Services Working Group (Chris Kellett) Chair Report (expected shortly)

v) CRTC status report on files received from WGs (Mario Bertrand) (SCSR1102.doc - 381KB)


8. Next meeting

Face-to-face scheduled for: 9 September 2011, 11 a.m. Ottawa time.

Walk-around SC meetings will be held as needed.

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