Local Number Portability, Roll-Out Notification for New Brunswick

CISC Network Interconnection Group

Number portability is opened in the exchanges listed below for both local exchange and wireless services.

Telephone Exchanges with Number Portability

Exchange LNP
in service date
in service
Notification Letter
Albert 2015-08-31 2015-10-30 2399344.pdf - 41KB
Allardville 2007-11-19 2007-11-19 allardville.doc - 104KB
Alma 2015-08-31 2015-10-30 2399344.pdf - 41KB
Baie-Sainte Anne 2013-08-02 2013-10-01 20130703BaieSainteAnne.doc - 45KB
Baker Brook 2011-04-14 2011-06-14 bakerbrook.doc - 53KB
Balmoral 2007-11-19 2007-11-19 balmoral.doc - 104KB
Bathurst 2007-02-28 2007-03-14 bathurst.doc - 107KB
Belledune 2007-11-19 2007-11-19 belledune.doc - 104KB
Blacks Harbour 2010-08-18 2010-09-17 blacksharbour.doc - 45KB
Blackville 2008-05-13 2008-07-31 blackville.doc - 104KB
Boiestown 2013-12-21 2014-02-21 2016306.doc - 45KB
Bouchtouche 2007-11-19 2007-11-19 Bouchtouche.doc - 104KB
Browns Flat 2013-12-21 2014-02-21 2016307.doc - 45KB
Campbellton 2007-11-19 2008-02-01 Campleton.doc - 104KB
Campobello 2015-08-31 2015-10-30 2399344.pdf - 41KB
CapPele 2007-11-19 2007-11-19 CapPele.doc - 104KB
Caraquet 2008-10-09 2008-12-09 Caraquet.doc - 109KB
Chipman 2008-05-30 2008-07-30 chipman.doc - 104KB
Clair 2011-04-14 2011-06-14 clair.doc - 53KB
Cocagne 2007-11-19 2007-11-19 Cocagne.doc - 104KB
Dalhousie 2007-11-19 2007-11-19 Dalhousie.doc - 104KB
Deer Island 2013-12-21 2014-02-21 2016308.doc - 45KB
Doaktown 2008-05-30 2008-07-30 doaktown.doc - 104KB
Dorchester 2006-06-02 2007-03-14 dorchester.doc - 62KB
Edmunston 2007-02-28 2007-03-14 edmunston.doc - 107KB
Florenceville 2007-03-14 2007-03-14 florenceville.doc - 106KB
Fords Mills 2015-07-02 2015-09-01 2366509.pdf - 29KB
Fredericton 2005-04-29 2007-03-14 al0329.doc - 181KB
Fredericton Junction 2007-11-29 2008-02-01 fredericton.doc - 103KB
Gagetown 2007-02-12 2007-03-14 gagetown.doc - 106KB
Grand Bay-Westfield 2006-06-02 2007-03-14 grandbay.doc - 39KB
Grande-Anse 2009-08-19 2009-09-18 grandeanse.doc - 39KB
GrandFalls 2007-11-19 2008-02-01 GrandFalls.doc - 104KB
Grand Manan 2015-08-31 2015-10-30 2399344.pdf - 41KB
Hampton 2007-02-28 2007-03-14 hampton1.doc - 107KB
Hartland 2007-11-29 2008-02-01 hartland.doc - 103KB
Harvey Station 2007-11-19 2008-02-01 harvey.doc - 103KB
Hillsborough 2006-06-02 2007-03-14 hillsborough.doc - 39KB
Hoyt 2013-12-21 2014-02-21 2016313.doc - 45KB
Kedgwick 2007-11-19 2007-11-19 Kedgwick.doc - 104KB
Keswick 2006-06-02 2007-03-14 keswicknb.doc - 38KB
Lamèque 2009-08-19 2009-09-18 lameque.doc - 40KB
Maces Bay 2013-12-21 2014-02-21 2016309.doc - 45KB
McAdam 2008-05-21 2008-07-21 mcadam.doc - 106KB
Meductic 2007-11-29 2008-02-01 meductic.doc - 103KB
Memramcook 2007-11-19 2008-02-01 Memramcook.doc - 104KB
Millville 2013-12-21 2014-02-21 2016314.doc - 45KB
Minto 2007-11-19 2008-02-01 minto.doc - 103KB
Miramichi 2007-02-28 2007-03-14 miramichi.doc - 107KB
Moncton 2005-04-29 2007-03-14 al0329.doc - 181KB
Nackawic 2008-05-30 2008-07-30 nackawic.doc - 104KB
Neguac 2008-05-30 2008-07-30 neguac.doc - 104KB
New Denmark 2011-04-14 2011-06-14 newdenmark.doc - 53KB
Norton 2007-11-29 2008-02-01 norton.doc - 103KB
Oromocto 2006-06-02 2007-03-14 oromocto.doc - 39KB
Paquetville 2009-08-19 2009-09-18 paquetville.doc - 40KB
Perth-Andover 2007-11-19 2008-02-01 perth.doc - 103KB
Peticodiac 2007-11-19 2008-02-01 Peticodiac.doc - 104KB
Petit-Rocher 2007-11-19 2007-11-19 Petit-Rocher.doc - 104KB
Plaster Rock 2008-05-30 2008-07-30 plasterrock.doc - 104KB
Port Elgin 2006-06-02   portelgin.doc - 39KB
Richibucto 2007-11-19 2008-02-01 Richibucto.doc - 104KB
Rogersville 2007-11-19 2007-11-19 Rogersville.doc - 104KB
Rothesay 2006-06-02 2007-03-14 rothsay.doc - 39KB
Sackville 2002-02-25 2007-03-14 saskville.doc - 32KB
Sainte-Anne-de-Madawaska 2011-04-14 2011-06-14 sainteanne.doc - 53KB
SaintAntoine 2007-11-19 2007-11-19 SaintAntoine.doc - 104KB
SaintBasile 2007-11-19 2007-11-19 SaintBasile.doc - 104KB
Saint John 2005-04-22 2007-03-14 stjohn.doc - 113KB
St. Martins 2015-08-31 2015-10-30 2399344.pdf - 41KB
SaintQuentin 2007-11-19 2007-11-19 SaintQuentin.doc - 104KB
Salisbury 2006-06-02 2007-03-14 salisbury.doc - 39KB
Shediac 2007-02-12 2007-03-14 shediac.doc - 106KB
Shippigan 2007-11-19 2008-02-01 shippigan.doc - 103KB
Springfield 2013-12-21 2014-02-21 2016310.doc - 45KB
St. Andrews 2007-11-29 2008-02-01 standrews.doc - 103KB
Stanley 2008-05-30 2008-07-30 Stanley.doc - 104KB
St-George 2007-11-19 2008-02-01 stgeorge.doc - 103KB
St-Isidore 2009-10-01 2009-10-31 saintisidore.doc - 39KB
St. Leonard 2011-04-14 2011-06-14 stleonard.doc - 53KB
St-Louis-de-Kent 2007-11-19 2007-11-19 StLouis-de-Kent.doc - 104KB
St-Stephen 2007-11-19 2008-02-01 ststephen.doc - 103KB
Summerville 2013-12-21 2014-02-21 2016311.doc - 45KB
Sussex 2007-02-12 2007-03-14 sussex.doc - 106KB
Tracadie 2007-09-27 2007-09-01 tracadie.doc - 106KB
Welsford 2007-11-29 2008-02-01 welsford.doc - 103KB
Woodstock 2007-11-19 2008-02-01 woodstock-nb.doc - 103KB
Youngs Cove Road 2013-12-21 2014-02-21 2016312.doc - 45KB
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