Cable Wiring: Other Documents


CWOD001A.DOC - 15360 bytes - Issues Related to the Transfer of Inside Wire Used by BDUs, CCTA's Issues for Consideration - April 16, 1998.

CWOD002A.DOC - 15,872 bytes - Memorandum from CCTA to Cable Wiring Working Group re: CCTA's contribution on TIF #005, dated June 11, 1998.

CWOD003A.JPG - JPEG - 126,719 bytes - Attachment Exhibit 1, associated with Contribution 15, Alternative Demarcation Points, July 10, 1998.

CWOD004A.JPG - JPEG - 256,660 bytes - Attachment Exhibit 2, associated with Contribution 15, Alternative Demarcation Points, July 10, 1998.

CWOD005A.JPG - JPEG -198, 770 bytes - Attachment Exhibit 3, associated with Contribution 15, Alternative Demarcation Points, July 10, 1998.

CWOD006A.JPG - JPEG - 183,394 bytes - Attachment Exhibit 4, associated with Contribution 15, Alternative Demarcation Points, July 10, 1998.

CWOD007A.DOC - 4,547,072 bytes - This contains scanned photos are a large file of over 4 megabytes. They are the Attachment to CCTA's Contribution no. 007, Disconnection of Service. June 12, 1998.

CWOD08A - This document has not been forwarded to the Steering Committee

CWOD008B.DOC - 30KB - Memorandum from Ted Woodhead dated August 24, 1998.

CWOD09A - This document has not been forwarded to the Steering Committee

CWOD010a.doc - 43KB, Letter from Shaw, re. Dispute Regarding Communication Between the Customer and the BDU, November 6, 1998.

CWOD011a.doc - 43KB, Letter from the CCTA, re. Dispute Regarding Communication Between the Customer and the BDU, November 6, 1998.

CWOD012a.doc - 55KB, Letter from the New Entrants, re. Dispute Regarding Communication Between the Customer and the BDU, November 16, 1998.

CWOD013a.doc - 22KB Letter from Shaw, re. Dispute Regarding Communication Between the Customer and the BDU, November 16, 1998.

CWOD014a.doc - 18KB, Letter from Telus, re. Dispute Regarding Communication Between the Customer and the BDU, November 16, 1998.

CWOD015a.doc - 32KB, Letter from the CCTA, re. Dispute Regarding Communication Between the Customer and the BDU, November 6, 1998.

CWLECW01.doc - 24KB - Letter to Secretary General requesting extension of deadline, CCTA, Bell ExpressVu, Cable VDN - 2000/12/14

CWLECW02.doc 20KB - Letter from Secretary General of CRTC granting extension, Ursula Menke - 2000/12/14

CWLECW03.doc - 20KB - Letter on the further process regarding extension of deadline, CRTC.

CWLECW04.doc - 20KB - Preliminary basic rate breakdown sheets - 2001/03/16

CWLECW05.doc - 22KB - Letter from Bell ExpressVu requesting extension on deadline to file lease rate proposals - 2000/03/19

CWLECW06.doc - 20KB - Letter from CISC chairs granting extension on deadline to file lease rate proposals - 2001/03/20

CWLECW07.doc - 23KB - Letter from CCTA to CRTC regarding the extension of deadline to file lease rate proposals - 2001/03/21

CWLECW08.doc - 30KB - Response from BellExpressVu to CCTA'S letter of March 21, 2001(CWLECW07)

CWLECW09.doc - 24KB - Progress report on the extension of the deadline for filing lease rate proposals - BellExpressVu - 2001/03/28

CWLECW10.doc - 24KB - Progress report on the extension of the deadline for filing lease rate proposals - BellExpressVu - 2001/04/04

CWLECW11.doc - 22KB - Letter from CRTC to CISC participants setting out revised deadlines for filing of lease rate proposals - 2001/05/02

CWLECW12.doc - 25KB - Letter dated 17 December 2002 from co-chairs to CCTA requesting circulation of draft non-disclosure agreement - 2002/12/17

CWLECW13.doc - 32KB - Letter dated 17 December 2002 from co-chairs to CCTA and ExpressVu re reporting procedures for use of cable inside wire - 2002/12/17

CWMECW01.doc - 21KB - Response to CRTC's questions on the age of the inside wire - 2000/12/01

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