Cable Wiring: Task Identification Forms


CWTF001A.DOC - 14848 bytes - Customer Transfer Process Map - 16 April 1998

CWTF001B.DOC - 15360 bytes - Customer Transfer Process Map - Revised 29 May 1998

CWTF002A.DOC - 14336 bytes - Alternative Demarcation Points - 16 April 1998

CWTF003A.DOC - 14336 bytes - Valuation of Inside Wire in Multiple Unit Dwellings (MUD) - 16 April 1998

CWTF004A.DOC - 14336 bytes - Definition of a Multiple Unit Dwelling (MUD) - 16 April 1998

CWTF004B.DOC - 19968 bytes - Definition of a Multiple Unit Dwelling (MUD), revised 17 June 1998

CWTF005A.DOC - 14336 bytes - Disconnection of Service - 14 May 1998

CWTF005B.DOC - 21504 bytes - Disconnection of Service - Revised 17 June 1998

CWTF006A.DOC - 14336 bytes - Authorization Procedures - 14 May 1998

CWTF007A.DOC - 19456 bytes - Multiple unit dwellings: new BDU's access to inside wire, which is being used by the current BDU, for the purpose of completing a disconnection/installation dated 23 June 1998

CWTF008A.DOC - 19456 bytes - Communication Between the Customer and BDU, 22 July 1998

CWTF009A.DOC - 15,360 bytes - Building Access, 17 August 1998

CWTF010a.doc - 22KB - Establishment of a just and reasonable rate for the use of inside wire in MUDs - 23 November 2000

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