Cable Wiring: Communication between the Customer and the BDU



  • CWTF008A.DOC - 19456 bytes - Communication between the Customer and the BDU, 22 July 1998


  • CWCO019A.DOC - 20,992 bytes - Communications betwen the Customer and the BDU, the New Entrants, 28 August 1998
  • CWCO021A.DOC - 13,824 bytes - Communication between the Customer's Agent and Broadcasting Distribution Undertakings, CCTA, 28 August 1998


  • CWDIF1.DOC - 16KB - Telus Communications Inc - Dispute Regarding Communication Between the Customer and the Broadcasting Distribution Undertaking (BDU) (CRTC File Number 4617-90) Nature of Filing: Reply Comments - 11/16/1998
  • CWDP1116.DOC - 54KB - Dispute Regarding Communication Between the Customer and the Broadcasting Distribution Undertaking (BDU) (CRTC file number 4617-90) - 11/16/1998


Report(s): None

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