Technical Interface: Reports

Network Interconnection Group

CNTR0020.DOC - 72,240 bytes - Network-to-Network Technical Interface for Local Interconnection - Draft Model Document

CNTR0021.DOC - 87,552 bytes - Network-to-Network Technical Interface for Local Interconnection - Basic SS7 - Call Control (Draft)

CNTR0022.DOC - 87,552 bytes - Network-to-Network Technical Interface - Introduction and Road Map (Draft)

CNTR0024.DOC - 87,552 bytes - Framework for Non-Call Associated Services, Proposed changes to introduction and Road Map document (CNTR0022) aimed at clarifying the framework for defining TCAP based features

CNTR0025.DOC - 87,552 bytes - Netowork-to-Network Technical Interface for Local Interconnection - Calling Lilne Identification and Restriction Services (Draft)

CNTR0026.DOC - 87,552 bytes - Network-to-Network Technical Interface for Local Interconnection - Call Forwarding Services (Draft)

CNTR0029.DOC - 46080 bytes - JTC-NP-0002, Common Transport Trunk Group Performance Data, Format and Process, Issue 1, March 12, 1993

TIRE001.RTF - RichText Format - 17228 bytes - TIF 7, TIF 3 - Toll Interface Specifications - 1997/08/23

TIRE002.DOC - Word6.0 - 22528 bytes - Status of Task 2 as of 1997/08/26

TIRE003.DOC - Word6.0 - 32768 bytes - Minimum SS7 Set

TIRE004B.DOC - Word6.0 - 30208 bytes - Unbundled Loop Specifications

TIRE005.RTF - RichTextFormat - 41419 bytes - Base Reference Specification to be used by Industry.

TIRE006.RTF - RichTextFormat - 44650 bytes - Interface to be used to exchange CNAM information between Carriers

TIRE007.DOC - Word6.0 - 81920 bytes - Selection Of Technical Interface Specifications

TIRE008.DOC - 20KB - Ten Digit Global Title Translation Responsibility (TITF002) - (approved by the Commission 24 July 1998)

TIRE009.DOC - 16KB - CCS7 Minimum Message Set - Consensus Report (TITF003) - (approved by the Commission 24 July 1998)

TIRE011.DOC - 14,336 bytes - TISWG - Consensus Status Report - Technical Specs

TIRE012.DOC - 16KB - Payphone Identification (TITF009) - (Commission approved 8 April 1999)

TIRE3004.DOC - 35840 bytes - Interconnection Steering Committee - Final Report - 1997/04/30

TI_ISS01.DOC - 10809 bytes - Issue 1 - Inside Wiring Demarcation Point (Standard)

TI_ISS02.DOC - 13312 bytes - Issue 2 - Demarcation Point Guidelines

TI_ISS03.DOC - 27136 bytes - Issue 3 - Exchange of Calling Name Information between LECs

TI_ISS04.DOC - 18944 bytes - Issue 4 - Adherence to Standards

TI_ISS05.DOC - 11597 bytes - Issue 5 - The Impact of Unbundled Loop Specifications on the Range of Local Services Subject to Competition

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