Network Operations: Contributions

Working Group Contacts

Chair: Peter Lang

CRTC: Okacha Merabet

Meeting Schedules


NOCO001A.DOC - 100864 bytes - Contribution on Phase I Deliverables (Videotron)

NOCO002A.DOC - 23040 bytes - Contribution on Phase I Deliverables (Stentor)

NOCO003A.DOC - 64512 bytes - Contribution for Data Elements for Ordering a local interconnection trunk (TELUS)

NOCO004A.DOC - 66048 bytes - Contribution for Data Elements for Ordering a local interconnection trunk (TELUS)

NOC0005A.DOC - 80384 bytes - Contribution draft document for Network Management Guidelines ( AT&T Canada LDS) - 1997/08/06

NOCO005B.DOC - 71680 bytes - Network Management Guidelines document (AT&T Canada LDS)

NOCO005C.DOC - 41984 bytes - Network Management Guidelines Document (AT&T Canada LDS)

NOCO005D.DOC - 41472 bytes - Network Management Guidelines Document (Version 4)

NOCO005E.DOC - 44544 bytes - Network Management Guidelines (Version 5)

NOCO005F.DOC - 44544 bytes - Network Management Guidelines (Version 6)

NOCO005G.DOC - 45,568 bytes - Network Management Guidelines (Version #7) AT&T

NOCO005H.DOC - 65,536 bytes - Network Management Guidelines - Version 8 (AT&T Canada)

NOCO005I.DOC - 48,128 bytes - Network Management Guidelines - Issue 9 (AT&T Canada)

NOCO005J.DOC - 67,584 bytes - Network Management Guidelines - Issue 10 (AT&T Canada)

NOCO005K.DOC - 49,152 bytes - Network Management Guidelines - Issue 11 (AT&T Canada)

NOCO005L.DOC - 52,736 bytes - Network Management Guidelines - Issue 12 (AT&T Canada)

NOCO005M.DOC - 45,056 bytes Network Management Guidelines - Issue 13 (AT&T Canada)

NOCO005N.doc - 59KB - Consensus document on Network Management Guidelines.

CNTR0005.PPT - 131072 bytes - Network Interconnection Diagrams by CCTA

NOC0006A.DOC - 47104 bytes - Contribution draft document for OPS Guidelines for Unbundled Loops & Resale (Stentor) - 1997/08/06

NOCO006B.DOC - 89088 bytes - Unbundled Loops & Resale Guidelines - 1997/07/21

NOCO006C.DOC - 119808 bytes - Unbundled Loops & Resale Guidelines - 1997/09/15

NOCO006D.DOC - 54874 bytes - Ops Guidelines for Unbundled Loops & Resale - 1997/09/30

NOCO006E.DOC - 188928 bytes - Ops Guidelines for Unbundled Loops & Resale - 1997/10/20

NOCO006F.DOC - 53248 bytes - Ops Guidelines for Unbundled Loops & Resale - 1997/11/11

NOCO006G.DOC - 104448 bytes - Ops Guidelines for Unbundled Loops & Resale - 1997/12/02

NOCO006H.DOC - 131,072 bytes Installation, Testing and Maintenance Guidelines for Unbundled Loops (Bell Canada)

NOCO006L.DOC - 1902KB Consensus on Installation, Testing and Maintenance Guidelines for Unbundled Loops - (Draft 5)

NOC0007A.DOC - 92160 bytes - Service Order Data Element Requirements (TELUS) - 1997/08/06

NOC0007B.DOC - 46080 bytes - Service Order Data Element Requirements (TELUS) - 1997/08/06

NOCO008A.DOC - 27136 bytes - Service Order Data Elements Requirements (TELUS)

NOCO009A.DOC - 56832 bytes - Network Management (Post Mortem) (AT&T Canada LDS)

NOCO010A.DOC - 131172 bytes - Network Management Guidelines document (TELUS)

NOCO011A.DOC - 23040 bytes - Network Management (Responsibilities) (AT&T Canada LDS)

NOCO012A.DOC - 37888 bytes - Operations Guidelines for Unbundled Loops (AT&T Canada LDS)

NOCO0013A.DOC - 183808 bytes - Acronyms, Terms and Definitions - Issue 2 (Videotron)

NOCO0013B.DOC - 187392 bytes - Acronyms, Terms and Definitions - Issue 3 (Videotron)

NOCO014A.DOC - 46592 bytes - Comments on Operations Guidelines for Unbundled Loops & Resale (Videotron)

NOCO15A.DOC - 43520 bytes - Isolation and Clearing of Troubles by CLECS Employing ILEC Loops

NOCO016A.DOC - 39424 bytes - Response to Contribution NOCO015A.DOC (Stentor)

NOCO017A.DOC - 19968 bytes - Isolation and rouble Clearing by CLECs on ILEC Provisioned Unbundled Loops (NOTF10) Mean Time to Repair (NOTF08) (Videotron)

NOCO018A.DOC - 17920 bytes - Quality of service Indicators

NOCO019A.DOC - 270336 bytes - Operations Guidelines for Local Number Portability

NOCO019b.DOC - 219KB - Contribution on Operations Guidelines for LNP

NOCO019c.doc - 77KB - Contribution on Local Number Portability Test Plan.

NOCO020A.DOC - 52224 bytes - Non-coordinated Transfer completion Notification of a Leased Loop (Sprint Canada)

NOCO021A.DOC - 19456 bytes - Installation of New/Additional Services by CLECs Employing Unbundled ILEC Loops (Call-Net)

NOCO021B.DOC - 30208 bytes - Installation of New/Additional Services by CLECs Employing Unbundled ILEC Loops (Call-Net)

NOCO022A.DOC - 55808 bytes - Sectionalization and Acceptance Testing of an Unbundled Loop (Sprint Canada)

NOCO023A.DOC - 332800 bytes - Operations Guidelines for Co-Location (Stentor)

NOCO023B.DOC - 333,312 bytes - Operations Guidelines for CoLoaction - Version #1 - Stentor

NOCO023C.DOC - 323,584 bytes - Operations Guidelines for CoLocation - Version #2 - Stentor

NOCO023D.DOC - 482,816 bytes - Operations Guidelines for CoLocation (Stentor)

NOCO023F.DOC - Has been replaced by NOCO023G.DOC

NOCO023G.DOC - 650KB - Operation Guidelines for Co-location

NOCO023H.DOC - 665,088 bytes - Operations Guidelines for Co-location (Stentor)

NOCO023I.DOC - 667,648 bytes - Operations Guidelines for Co-location (Stentor)

NOCO023J.DOC - 722,924 bytes - Operations Guidelines for Co-location (Stentor)

NOCO023K.DOC - 722,944 bytes - Operations Guidelines for Co-location (Stentor)

NOCO023L.DOC - 369KB - Guidelines documents referenced in the Consensus Reports - Network Interconnection - Network Operations - Contributions

NOCO027A.DOC - 13824 bytes - sprint Contribution on "Call Before You Dig".

NOCO028A.DOC - 99328 bytes - Operations Guidelines for Joint Build Facitilies (MetroNet)

NOCO028B.DOC - 52,736 bytes - Operations Guidelines for Joint Build Facilities (Version #2) MetroNet

NOCO028D.DOC - 32,256 bytes - Operations Guidelines for Joint Build Facilities (MetroNet)

NOCO028E.DOC - 33,280 bytes - Operations Guidelines for Joint Build Facilities (MetroNet)

NOCO028F.DOC - 69,632 bytes - Operations Guidelines for Joint Build Facilities (MetroNet)

NOCO028G.DOC - 55,296 bytes - Operations Guidelines for Joint Build Facilities (MetroNet)

NOCO028H.DOC - 88,064 bytes - Operations Guidelines for Joint Build Facilities (TELUS)

NOCO028I.DOC - 88,064 bytes - Operations Guidelines for Joint Build Facilities (TELUS)

NOCO028J.DOC - 85KB - Guidelines documents referenced in the Consensus Reports - Network Interconnection - Network Operations - Contributions

NOCO029A.DOC - 13,824 bytes - Procedures to Handle Repair(611) Calls (Stentor)

NOCO030A.DOC - 592,896 bytes - Trouble Repair Process Map (Videotron)

NOCO031A.DOC - 226,304 bytes - TELUS Contribution - Service Assurance Process

NOCO031B.DOC - 232,960 bytes - Service Assurance Process Maps - Revised (TELUS)

NOCO031C.DOC - 291,840 bytes - Service Assurance Process Maps (Revised)

NOCO031D.DOC - 281,088 bytes - Service Assurance Process Maps (Final)

NOCO032A.DOC - 13,824 bytes - Sprint Contribution on Isolation and Trouble Clearing of ILEC Provisioned Unbundled Loops

NOCO033A.DOC - 19,968 bytes - MetroNet Contribution on Repair Intervals for Unbundled Local Loops

NOCO034A.DOC - 16,896 bytes - MetroNet Contribution on Loop Provisioning Completion Notification

NOCO039A.DOC - 12,800 bytes - Repair Intervals for Unbounded Loops (Stentor)

NOCO039B.DOC - 12,800 bytes - Repair Intervals for Unbounded Loops - Revised (Stentor)

NOCO039C.DOC - 12,800 bytes - Repair Intervals for Unbundled Loops

NOCO039D.DOC - 12,800 bytes - Repair Intervals for Unbundled Loops

NOCO040A.DOC - 37,376 bytes - Data Interchange Requirements for Network Ops

NOCO041A.DOC - 13,312 bytes - CNAM Conversion Device

NOCO042A.DOC - 13,824 bytes - ILEC Response to Sprint Contribution on AM/PM Cutovers

NOCO043A.DOC - 25,088 bytes - ISUP Generic Name (GN) Interworking Test Plan (Bell)

NOCO043B.DOC - 34,304 bytes - ISUP Generic Name (GN) Interworking Test Plan (Bell)

NOCO044F.DOC - 767KB - Consensus document on Installation, Testing and Maintenance Guidelines for Local Trunk Interconnection.

NOCO045a.doc - 30KB - Contribution from Gord Potter on Network Failures affecting LNP-SCP services

NOCO046a.doc - 31KB - Contribution from Gord Potter on Failed Unbundled Loop Installations.

NOCO047a.doc - 31KB - Contribution from Optel requesting a TIF to address Unbundled Loop Sub-Type A5: Installation Requirements

NOCO047b.doc - 16KB - Contribution from Optel on Co-operative Completion Testing for Unbundled Loop Sub-Type A5 Facilities - Draft #1.

NOCO048a.doc - 28KB - contribution from AXXENT

NOCO048b.doc - 19KB - contribution from Sprint

NOCO048c.doc - 27KB - contribution from Bell Canada

NOCO048d.doc - 23KB - contribution from TELUS

NOCO049a.doc - 25KB - is a contribution from AT&T on Unbundled Loops - Installation, Testing and Maintenance Guidelines Connecting Links

NOCO050a.doc - 68KB - contribution from Bell Canada

NOCO050b.doc - 17KB - contribution from AXXENT

NOCO050c.doc - 92KB - Contribution

NOCO050d.doc - 51KB - contribution

NOCO051a.doc - 24KB - Double Dispatch Dispute Resolution Contribution. January 22, 2001

NOCO052a.doc - 31KB - contribution on High Voltage Protection

NOCO053a.doc - 36KB - Contribution

NO-CONTR.doc - 44KB - No Contributions Log - update contributions log - December 2000

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