Master Agreements: Disputes and Positions Filed

Intercarrier Administration Group


COMMENT.DOC - Word 6.0 - 17408 bytes - Procedures for Master Agreements Sub-Working Group Dispute on Billing and Collection Service Requirements Comments: 1998/02/27

FEB27LTR.DOC - Word 6.0 - 12288 bytes - Letter dated 1997/02/28 re: Procedures for Master Agreements Sub-Working Group Dispute on Billing and Collection Service Requirements Comments

MADI1A.DOC - Word 6.0 - 17920 bytes - Dispute Identification Form - i) Shared Cost and Segregated Facilities in the Use of Transport and Transiting Services and ii) Identification of Traffic Eligible for Termination on a Bill and Keep Basis - 1997/10/02

DIFMAG-2.DOC - 22528 bytes - Stentor's Reply Comments re: Comments received by Microcell, Videotron, Call-Net and fONOROLA with regards to Master Agreement Subworking Group Dispute on Biling and Collection Service Requirement

MAR6LTR.DOC - 13824 bytes - Stentor's Reply Comments re: Comments received by Microcell, Videotron, Call-Net and fONOROLA with regards to Master Agreement Subworking Group Dispute on Biling and Collection Service Requirement

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