Central Fund: Disputes and Positions Filed


FRDP001A.DOC - 18944 bytes - This paper presents the Stentor Companies' position regarding the interpretation of the Commission's findings in respect of the appropriate definition of residential NAS for the purposes of determining eligibility to withdraw subsidy from the central funds.

FRDP002.DOC - 18432 bytes - Stentor's dispute position paper raised by Task Team 1 - 1997/07/18

FRDP014A.DOC - 12,800 bytes - Clearnet's Position Paper re: The assignment of wireless CLEC NAS to bands. - 1997/08/01

FRDP015A.DOC - 33,280 bytes - Microcell Position on CFSWG Dispute # TT3-1 (Assignment of Wireless Network Access Services to Bands) - 1997/08/04

FRDP016A.DOC - 13,312 bytes - Stentor's Dispute Position Paper - 1997/08/01

FRDP017A.DOC - 28160 bytes - AT&T Canada LDS' dispute position for Roles and Responsibilities of Parties - 1997/09/30

FRDP022A.DOC - 14336 bytes - "LETTER OF CREDIT" Dispute Position of Microcell - 1997/09/30

FRDP023A.DOC - 41984 bytes - Stentor Companies' position on the Letter of Credit issue raised in the Non-Consensus Report of Task Team 8. - 1997/09/30

FRDP024A.DOC - 27648 bytes - AT&T Canada LDS Provision of Information Relating to Portable Contribution - 1997/10/03

FRDP026A.DOC - 11264 bytes - Cantel's position with respect to Dispute TT6-1- Provision of Information Relating to Portable Contribution - 1997/10/03

FRDP027A.DOC - 18432 bytes - CCTA's position on TT6-1, Provision of Information Relating to Portable Contribution - 1997/10/03

FRDP029A.DOC - 5632 bytes - Microcell's Position on TT6-1, Confidentiality of Contribution per NAS per Band - 1997/10/03

FRDP030A.DOC - 31232 bytes - Stentor Companies' dispute position on the Confidentiality issue raised by CCTA in their DIF, TT6-1: Provision of Information Relating to Portable Contribution - 1997/10/03

FRDP033A.DOC - 11776 bytes - Cantel's reply comments on Dispute TT6-1 - Provision of Information Relating to Portable Contribution - 1997/10/09

FRDP034A.DOC - 18432 bytes - CCTA's reply comments to the October 3, 1997 position papers received from AT&T Canada, Cantel, Call-Net, Clearnet, Microcell and Stentor on the subject of the provision of information relating to portable contributions - 1997/10/09

FRDP036A.DOC - 9216 bytes - Reply Comments of Microcell on TT6-1 (Confidentiality of Contribution per NAS per Band) - 1997/10/09

FRDP037A.DOC - 28672 bytes - Stentor's reply comments, filed on behalf of the companies, in regard to Dispute TT6-1 - Provision of Information Relating to Portable Contribution - 1997/10/09

FRDP044A.DOC - 22016 bytes - Stentor's reply comments on the CCTA dispute ("Provision of Information Relating to Portable Contribution). - 1997/10/17

FRDP045A.DOC - 18944 bytes - Stentor's 1997/10/22 reply comments on the CCTA dispute ("Provision of Information Relating to Portable Contribution") subsequent to further comments from fONOROLA dated 1997/10/17

FRLE0808.DOC - 10,752 Bytes - Dispute Identification Form TT31: Assignment of Network Access Services (NAS) to Bands - 1997/08/08

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