Agenda for the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) Meeting of 10 March 2022

Type of meeting: eMeeting

1. Approval of previous minutes

eMeeting of 26 January 2022 (SCMI2201E)

2. New reports

The Emergency Services Working Group (ESWG) submitted the following reports:

  1. Proposed Change to Dates and Direction from Telecom Decision 2021-210 (ESRE0095)
  2. NG9-1-1 Voice Trial Logistics – Final Status Update (ESRE0096)

The Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN) submitted the following report:

  1. Updates to the Canadian International Mobile Subscription Identity (“IMSI”) Assignment Guideline (CNRE133A)

The Network Working Group (NTWG) submitted the following report:

  1. Quarterly Traceback Status Report (NTRE075)

3. New task assignment

The Steering Committee is to consider the assignment of a new task to a Working Group as follows:

  1. Compliance and Enforcement and Telecom Decision 2021-426 - Application requesting an urgent and expedited Commission direction deferring the effective date for the implementation of STIR/SHAKEN to 9-1-1 voice calls; 20 December 2021 (see paragraph 22)

4. Extension request

The ESWG submitted the following document for information:

  1. ESWG Letter to the CRTC re Extension Request for TIF 91

5. Work Group Chair appointments

  1. The Business Process Working Group (BPWG) recommended the reappointment of Gerry Thompson as Chairperson
  2. The ESWG recommended the reappointment of Chris Kellett as Chairperson
  3. The NTWG recommended the reappointment of Richard Polishak as Chaiperson

6. Working Group Status Reports

  1. NTWG (NTSC2201)
  2. CSCN (CNMR2201)
  3. NPA Relief (NPA_RPC_Chair_Report_February_24_2022)
  4. ESWG (ESSR2201)
  5. BPWG (BPSR2201)
  6. 1540 Wholesale High-speed Access (1540SR2201)
  7. CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC)

7. Next meetings

Future CISC meetings will be scheduled as needed

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