Agenda for the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) Meeting of 27 August 2021

Type of meeting: eMeeting

1. Approval of previous minutes

eMeeting of 12 May 2021 (SCMI2102E)

2. New reports

The Emergency Services Working Group (ESWG) submitted the following report:

  1. i) Proposal to Manage Multi-Line Telephone Systems (MLTS) in the Canadian Enhanced 9-1-1 (E9-1-1) or Next Generation 9-1-1 Environment e (ESRE0074b)

The Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN) submitted the following report:

  1. Update Canadian International Mobile Subscription Identity (IMSI) Assignment Guideline (CNRE132A)

The Network Working Group (NTWG) submitted the following report:

  1. STIR/SHAKEN Guidelines v1.0 (NTRE0072)

Relief Planning Committees (RPC) submitted the following reports:

  1. NPA 819/873 RPC Planning Document and Relief Implementation Plan #1 (819-873RE01A)
  2. NPA 438/514 RPC Planning Document and Relief Implementation Plan #1 (438/514RE01b)

3. New or updated Task Identification Forms (TIFs)

The NTWG submitted the following TIF:

  1. Request from ESWG regarding risks of TDoS and DDoS from 5G and IP networks (NTTF041)

The ESWG submitted the following revised TIFs (also see attached ‘ESWG Letter to the CRTC re Extension Requests for TIFs 90 and 93’):

  1. NG9-1-1 Reliability, Resiliency, and Security (ESTF0090)
  2. Transition from Text with 9-1-1 to NG9-1-1 Text Messaging (ESTF0093)

4. Next meetings

The ESWG recommended that the following TIF be closed:

  1. Dispatchable Location from Originating Networks (ESTF0086)

5. Next meetings

Future CISC meetings will be scheduled as needed

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