Agenda for the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) Meeting of 11 April 2019 at 2 pm (Ottawa/Gatineau)


Type of meeting: Conference call (call 613-960-7513 or 1-877-413-4788, enter conference number 8600724)

1. Approval of previous minutes

Conference call of 20 February 2019 (SCMI1901E)

2. New reports

The Network Working Group (NTWG) submitted the following report for approval:

  1. Canadian Traceback Interim Process (NTRE064)

3.New Task Identification Form (TIF)

The NTWG submitted the following TIF for approval:

  1. Framework for text-based message relay services (NTTF039)

4. New task assignment

The Steering Committee is to consider the assignment of a new task referral as follows:

  1. Referral to CISC stemming from Next-generation 9-1-1 network design efficiencies, Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2019-66, 07 March 2019

5. TIF closure

NTWG recommended that the following TIF be closed:

  1. Develop practices to block blatantly illegitimate calls at the Network level (NTRE034)

6. New Dispute Forms

The Business Process Working Group (BPWG) submitted the following dispute forms for consideration:

  1. CNOC Dispute Information Form (DIF) – Inclusion of retail comparisons (BPDI0119)
  2. Cable Carriers Dispute Position Form (BPDP0119a)
  3. Bell Canada Dispute Position Form (BPDP0119b)
  4. Telus Dispute Position Form (BPDP0119c)
  5. Primus Dispute Position Form (BPDP0119d)
  6. Sasktel Dispute Position Form (BPDP0119e)
  7. TekSavvy Dispute Position Form (BPDP0119f)
  8. Allstream Dispute Position Form (BPDP0119g

7. Next meetings

Future CISC meetings will be scheduled as needed

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