Agenda for the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) Meeting of 20 February 2018 at 11:00 am (Ottawa/Gatineau time)


Type of meeting: Conference call (call 613-960-7513 or 1-877-413-4788, enter conference number 8600724)

  1. Approval of previous minutes

    Conference call of 13 December 2017 (SCMI1708E)

  2. New task assignment

    The Steering Committee is to consider the assignment of a new task referral as follows:

    1. Referral to CISC stemming from Measures to reduce caller identification spoofing and to determine the origins of nuisance calls, Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2016-442, 25 January 2018

  3. New Task Identification Forms (TIFs)

    The Emergency Services Working Group (ESWG) submitted the following TIFs for approval:

    1. NG9-1-1 Additional Data Considerations (ESTF0091)
    2. NG9-1-1 Mapping (GIS) and Addressing Considerations (ESTF0092)
  4. TIFs closure

    The ESWG recommended that the following TIFs be closed:

    1. ESTF0067 – PSAP Operational Requirements for T9-1-1
    2. ESTF0075 – Wireless Test Calls to PSAPs
  5. Next meetings

    Email approval meetings will be held as needed
    Teleconference or in-person meetings (to be confirmed)

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