Agenda for the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) Meeting of 13 December 2017 at 1:30 pm (Ottawa/Gatineau time)

Type of meeting: Conference call (call 613-960-7513 or 1-877-413-4788, enter conference number 8600724)

  1. Approval of previous minutes

    Conference call of 22 November 2017 (SCMI1707E)

  2. New report

    The Network Working Group (NTWG) submitted the following report for approval:

    1. Develop recommendations as to the appropriate metrics and reporting to define high-quality fixed broadband Internet access service (NTRE061)

  3. New Dispute Information Form

    The NPA 709 Relief Planning Committee submitted the following Dispute Information Form for consideration:

    1. NPA Relief Planning (709 NL) Relief Date Change – Bell Canada Reply to Rogers' Comments dated 30 October 2017 (NPA709DI001)

  4. Work Group Chair appointment

    The Business Process Working Group (BPWG) recommended the reappointment of Gerry Thompson as Chair

  5. Next meetings

    Email approval meetings will be held as needed
    Teleconference or in-person meetings (to be confirmed)

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