Agenda for CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) Meeting of 14 May 2015

Type of meeting: Walk-around

  1. Approval of previous Steering Committee (SC) minute

    Teleconference meeting of 24 April 2015 (SCMI1504)

  2. Proposed Task Identification Forms (TIFs)

    The Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN) submitted the following TIFs:

    1. Update the Canadian Emergency Service Routing Digit (ESRD) Block Assignment Guideline (CNTF093A)
    2. Update Canadian International Mobile Subscription Identity (IMSI) Assignment guideline to allow for the assignment of MNCs to full MVNOs (CNTF094A)
  3. Next meetings

    Walk-around SC meetings will be held as needed.

    Face-to-face meeting: (date to be determined)

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