Agenda for CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) Meeting of 13 March 2015

Type of meeting: Walk-around

  1. Approval of previous Steering Committee (SC) minutes

    Walk-around meeting of 28 January 2015 (SCMI1501)

    Ad hoc Conference call 27 February 2015 (SCMI1502)

  2. Proposed Task Identification Forms (TIF)
    1. The Business Process Working group (BPWG) submitted the following TIF:
      1. Model PIC/CARE Handbook (BPTF0092)
    2. The 1540 Wholesale High-speed Access working group submitted the following three TIFs:
      1. Status of Installation orders and trouble tickets (1540TF0001)
      2. Trouble escalation process (1540TF0002)
      3. Advance notice of network changes (1540TF0003)
    3. The Emergency Services Working Group (ESWG) submitted the following TIFs:
      1. Evaluate the impacts of Wi-Fi 9-1-1 Calling (ESTF0076)
      2. Assessment of the NENA i3 Solution NG9-1-1 Architecture for Canada (ESTF0077)
  3. Reports
    1. The ESWG submitted the following reports:
      1. Wireless E9-1-1 Phase II Location Accuracy - Monitoring Process (ESRE0068)
    2. The Network Working Group submitted the following consensus report:
      1. Telephony Denial of Service attacks against PSAPs (NTRE054)
    3. The Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering submitted the following consensus reports:
      1. Close TIF 85 - Address look up systems necessary for IP voice network interconnection (CNRE111A)
      2. Close TIF 90 – Changing the Status of Certain Unassignable CO Codes (CNRE112A)
      3. Close TIF 87 – Management of numbering resources in low population density areas (CNRE113A)
  4. Next meetings
    Walk-around SC meetings will be held as needed.
    Teleconference call: 24 April 2015 at 11:00 Ottawa time.
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