Agenda for Steering Committee Meeting of
18 November 2011


Type of meeting: walk-around

1. Approval of previous Steering Committee (SC) minutes

Walk-around meeting held on 14 October 2011 (SCMI1109E.doc - 48KB).

2. New TIF

a)  The Business Process Working Group submitted the following TIF for approval:

BPTF0083 – Customer Transfer Process.  This TIF will develop process(es) per Regulatory Policy CRTC 2011-191 for cancellation of broadcast and telecom services by a new service provider (BPTF0083.docx - 39KB)

3. Reports

a) The Business Process Working Group submitted the following consensus report for approval:

BPRE079e – Reduction of LSR Rejections – Use of EAN/EATN Field.  This report provides an update on LSR Rejection work and a consensus recommendation for one of the last outstanding items. (BPRE079e.docx - 118KB)

b) The Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN) submitted the following report for approval:

CSCN TIF Report 92 re: Review of INC Issue 534 re: Development of pANI Guidelines. This CSCN TIF Report recommends closing CSCN TIF 74 (CNRE092A.doc - 71KB).

c) The NPA Relief Implementation Working Group submitted the following report for information only:

NPA 819 Network Implementation and Consumer Awareness (Telecommunications Alliance) Task Force Progress Reports (NPA 819 NITF Initial Progress Report 11 Nov 11.docx - 716KB and TA Progress Report 819 11 Nov 11.doc - 2MB)

4. Next meeting

Teleconference (if required) on 9 December 2011 at 11 a.m. Ottawa time.
A Teleconference will also be scheduled at a date to be determined in March 2012.
Walk-around SC meetings will be held as needed.
Face-to-face tentatively scheduled for 08 June 2012, 11 a.m. Ottawa time.

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