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2005-09-02 - #: 8622-R29-200510497 - Rogers Telecom Inc. - Demande par Bell Canada en vue de fournir des lignes dégroupées desservies par des commutateurs éloignés

2006-06-02 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: Rogers Telecommunications (Rogers Telecom) filed the Application referenced above on 2 September 2015, requesting that the Commission order Bell Canada to make unbundled loops available, in a timely manner, in all areas where competition is introduced.
Document: 632062.pdf - 51KO

2005-10-11 - Rogers Telecom Holdings Inc.
Description: Rogers is in receipt of Bell Canada's answer to the above captioned application
Document: 051011.doc - 223KO

2005-10-04 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: MTS is in receipt of a Part VII application filed by Rogers Telecom (RTI) requesting that the Commission order Bell Canada to make unbundled loops available, in a timely manner, in all areas where competition is introduced.
Document: 051004.pdf - 86KO

2005-10-03 - Globility Communications Corporation (GCC)
Description: This letter is submitted by Globility Communications Corporation in support of the Part VII application submitted by Rogers
Document: 051003.pdf - 61KO

2005-10-03 - Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.
Description: Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. (Primus) has obtained a copy of the Part VII Application by Rogers Telecom Inc. (Rogers), dated 2 September 2005, noted above. Pursuant to sections 5 and 60 and of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, Primus hereby submits its intervention
Document: 051003.doc - 77KO

2005-10-03 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of a Part VII application dated 2 September 2005 by Rogers Telecom Holdings Inc. on behalf of Rogers Telecom Inc. and Call-Net Communications Inc. (collectively, Rogers) requesting that the Commission direct the Company to make unbundled loops available, in a timely manner, in all areas where competition is introduced. The attached constitutes the Company's comments in this matter.
Document: 051003.doc - 272KO

2005-09-02 - Rogers Telecom Inc.
Description: The attached Application is submitted by Rogers Telecom Inc. pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure.
Document: 050902.doc - 315KB

Mise à jour : 2006-06-06

Date de modification :