2003-06-27 - #: 8622-R4-200308115 - Rogers Communications Inc. - Demande d'interdire le groupement monopolistique

Dossier fermé - Voir référence : 8663-C12-200314600 - 8663-12-200318130

2005-04-29 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2005-27 Examen des garanties relatives aux prix planchers des services tarifés de détail et questions connexes. Référence : 8663-C12-200318130

2003-11-20 - Décision de télécom 2003-78 Le Conseil combine les procédures provisoire et finale établies dans l'avis public de télécom CRTC 2003-8 intitulé Examen des garanties relatives aux prix planchers des services tarifés de détail et questions connexes. Référence : 8663-C12-200314600 et 8622‑R4-200308115.

2003-10-23 - Avis public de télécom CRTC 2003-8  Examen des garanties relatives aux prix planchers des services tarifés de détail et questions connexes. Le Conseil sollicite des observations sur des modifications provisoires qu'il propose d'apporter au critère d'imputation et aux règles concernant la tarification des groupes de services, ainsi que sur l'introduction d'une nouvelle garantie provisoire de tarification qui s'appliquerait aux contrats à terme et au volume portant sur des services tarifés de détail. Le Conseil sollicite également des observations quant aux modifications qu'il pourrait convenir d'apporter de façon définitive à ces garanties en matière de tarification. Référence : 8663-C12-200314600 et 8622-R4-200308115

2003-09-08 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Dossiers #: 8622-R4-20030815, 8622-V3-200309908
Description: Lettre adressée à Quebecor Média inc. - Objet: Demande par Vidéotron ltée d'interdire les services de groupement monopolistique et appui à la demande de Rogers Communications inc. pour le même sujet

2003-08-/07 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Descrition: This document contains the Reply comments of Rogers Communications Inc. with respect to its Application dated June 27, 2003 filed pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure
Document: 030807.zip - 322KO

2003-07-28 - Vidéotron Ltée
Description: In accordance with the Telecommunications Act and Part VII of the Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, Vidéotron ltée ("Vidéotron") requests that the Commission prohibit the bundling of de facto monopoly services with competitive services. This document provides as well comments on the application by Rogers Communications Inc. ("Rogers"), dated June 27, 2003.
Document:  030728.doc - 54KO

2003-07-28 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: The following submission constitutes TELUS' response to the Application.
Document: 030728.doc - 101KO

2003-07-28 - MTS Communications Inc.
Description: This Supplemental Answer of MTS Communications Inc. ("MTS") is in addition to the detailed Answer filed jointly by Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS, Saskatchewan Telecommunications and Télébec (collectively, as the Companies), to the June 27, 2003
Document: 030728.doc - 1043KO

2003-07-28 - FCI Broadband (Futureway Communications)
Description: Pursuant to section 60.(1) of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, FCI Broadband hereby submits its intervention.
Document: 030728.doc - 69KO

2003-07-28 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: SaskTel provides the following Answer to supplement the views expressed in the joint submission of Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS Communications Inc. and SaskTel (collectively, the Companies)
Document: 030728.doc - 76KO

2003-07-28 - Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS Communications Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications and Télébec, société en commandite
Description: The Companies are in receipt of an Application filed by Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure on 27 June 2003 to prohibit monopoly bundling.
Document: 030728.doc - 599KO

2003-07-28 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: The following constitutes the Company's Answer. The Company notes that should it not respond to any particular comment contained in Rogers' application, it should not be construed as concurrence with those comments where concurrence would not be in the interests of the Company.
Document: 030728_1.doc - 50KO

2003-07-28 - Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP)
Description: In accordance with section 60 of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure ("Rules"), IMCAIP hereby intervenes to present its views on the above-captioned Applications for the reasons set out below.
Document: 030728.doc - 104KO

2003-07-25 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
Description: The Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA) is in receipt of two recent applications filed by Rogers Communications Inc., (Rogers) and Bragg Communications Inc., carrying on business as EastLink (EastLink) respecting bundling by incumbent telephone companies
Document: 030725.doc - 232KO

2003-07-21 - Commissioner of Competition, Competition Bureau
Description: On behalf of the Commissioner of Competition, Competition Bureau, I am pleased to enclose the written comments of the Bureau with respect to the above-captioned Application.
Document: 030721.zip - 18KO

2003-07-16 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: Call-Net Enterprises Inc. ("Call-Net") is in receipt of the Application noted above filed by Rogers Communications Inc. ("Rogers") and dated June 27, 2003.
Document: 030716_1.doc - 36KO

2003-06-27 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) submits the attached Application.
Document: 030627.zip - 239KO

Mise à jour : 2005-07-13

Date de modification :