2002/12/06 - #: 8643-C12-08/02 - Avis public CRTC 2002-7 - AccèsInternet de tiers fourni par modem câble

Référence : 8638-C12-43/00

Rapport sur l'accès des fournisseurs indépendants de services Internet aux principaux systèmes de câblodistribution au Canada

Calendrier - Avis Public 2002-7


Dates limites

Avis d'intention de participer 2003-01-10
Propositions 2003-01-24
Observations 2003-03-21 (révisée)
Répliques aux observations 2003-04-14 (révisée)

Liste de documents connexes

Section 1 - Documents du Conseil
a) Avis public, Décisions, etc.
b) Liste des parties intéressées
c) Correspondance aux parties

Section 2 - Documents de Cogeco Cable Canada Inc., Rogers Cablesystems Limited, Shaw Cablesystems GP et Vidéotron ltée
a) Correspondance au Conseil
b) Propositions
c) Répliques aux observations

Section 4 - Documents des parties
a) Correspondance au Conseil
b) Observations
c) Répliques aux observations

Section 8 - Documents divers
a) Frais
b) Autres

Section 1a) Avis public, Décisions, etc.

2004-06-04 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2004-37 - Le Conseil se prononce sur les questions abordées dans l'avis Accès Internet de tiers fourni par modem câble , Avis public télécom CRTC 2002-7 , 6 décembre 2002. De plus, le Conseil ordonne aux entreprises de câblodistribution mentionnées dans la décision de soumettre à son approbation dans les 30 jours de la présente décision des projets de tarifs régissant les tests de deuxième niveau. Référence : 8643-C12-08/02.

Section 1c) Correspondance aux parties

2003/02/20 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à François D. Ménard - Objet: Avis public de télécom 2002-7 - Demande de prolongation

Section 2a) Correspondance au Conseil

Aucun documents

Section 2b) Propositions

2003/01/24 - Vidéotron ltée
Description: Proposition de Vidéotron ltée concernant les lignes directrices de tests de deuxième niveau.
Document: 030124.zip - 282KO

2003/01/24 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
Description: The CCTA, on behalf of its members, is pleased to submit its comments regarding proposed second-level testing guidelines for cable modems used for Third-Party Internet Access.
Document: 030124.zip - 2398KO

Section 2c) Répliques aux observations

Aucun documents

Section 4a) Correspondance au Conseil

2003/02/19 - François D. Ménard on behalf of The Coalition for better Third Party Access (CBTPA)
Description: The CBTPA is in receipt of proposed second level testing guidelines which it has received from the CCTA on behalf of Rogers and Cogeco as well as from Videotron
Document: 030219.doc - 105KO

Section 4b) Observations

2003/03/21 - François D. Ménard on behalf of Coalition for Better Third Party Access
Description: The following comments are being provided by Francois D. Menard on behalf of the Coalition for Better Third Party Access.
Document: 030321.doc - 171KO

2003/03/21 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
Description: The CCTA is pleased to submits its comments regarding the Commission's preliminary views on the unresolved issues regarding use of cable modems for TPIA.
Document: 030321.pdf - 1103KO

2003/03/21 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TELUS Communications Inc. ("TELUS") will not be providing comments with respect to the Commission's preliminary views on the above-mentioned Public Notice.
Document: 030321.doc - 44KO

2003/03/21 - Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP)
Description: These are the comments of the Canadian Association of Internet Providers ("CAIP") in response to the above-noted public notice
Document: 030321.doc - 89KO

2003/01/24 - François D. Ménard on behalf of Coalition for Better Third Party Access
Description: The following comments are being provided by Francois D. Menard on behalf of the Coalition for Better Third Party Access.
Document: 030124.doc - 108KO

Section 4c) Répliques aux observations

2003/04/14 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out in Public Notice 2002-7 issued on 6 December 2002 and subsequently amended on 7 November 2002 (the "Notice"), TELUS is hereby providing its reply comments
Document: 030414.doc - 40KO

2003/04/14 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
Description: Pursuant to the procedures in Public Notice 2002-7, CCTA is pleased to provide these comments in reply to the submissions filed in the first round
Document: 030414.zip - 1048KO

2003/04/14 - François D. Ménard on behalf of Coalition for Better Third Party Access
Description: The following reply comments are being provided by Francois D. Menard on behalf of the Coalition for Better Third Party Access
Document: 030414.doc - 154KO

2003/04/14 - Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP)
Description: These are the Reply comments of the Canadian Association of Internet Providers ("CAIP") in respect of the process initiated by the above-noted public notice
Document: 030414.doc - 91KO

Section 8a) Frais

Aucun documents

Section 8b) Autres

2003/04/05 - François D. Ménard
Description: Plea of the Cable Modem Coalition in FCC Docket 02-52 which inferences the capabilities for abuse of certification and cross-subsidy of modems to restrict consumer choice for modems
Document: 030405.zip - 91KO

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