Review of the regulatory measure associated with single-line inside wire services provided by incumbent local exchange carriers to customers with no jack-ended demarcation device: 8663-C12-201105578

NC 2011-219 - Call for comments - 2011-03-29

Notice of Consultation 2011-219 Schedule

Activities Deadline Dates
Notice of intention to participate 2011-04-20
Responses to requests for information (ILEC) 2011-04-26
Comments (All parties) 2011-05-24
Comments (Any person) 2011-06-14
Reply comments 2011-06-14

List of Related Documents

Section 1 - Commission Documents
a) Notice of Consultation, Decisions, etc.
b) List of Parties
c) Correspondence to Parties

Section 2 - Documents from ILEC

a) Correspondence to the Commission
b) Comments
c) Reply comments 

Section 4 - Documents from Parties
a) Correspondence to the Commission
b) Comments
c) Reply comments

Section 5 - Responses to requests for information

Section 8 - Miscellaneous Documents
a) Costs
b) Others

Section 1a) Notice of Consultation, Decisions, etc.

2012-02-09 - Telecom regulatory policy CRTC 2012-83 Regulatory measure associated with single line inside wire services provided by incumbent local exchange carriers to customers with no jack ended demarcation device
File number: 8663-C12-201105578

2011-09-09 - Telecom order CRTC 2011-583 Determination of costs award with respect to the participation of the Public Interest Advocacy Centre in the Telecom Notice of Consultation 2011-219 proceeding
File numbers: 8663-C12-201105578 and 4754-388

Section 1c) Correspondence to Parties

No documents

Section 2a) Correspondence to the Commission

No documents

Section 4a) Correspondence to the Commission

No documents

Section 5) Responses to requests for information

2011-04-26 - Tbaytel
Description: Tbaytel is responding to Telecom Notice of Consultation, CRTC 2011-219, 29 March 2011, in which the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission requested that all incumbent local exchange carriers in paragraph 13, respond to the Commissions interrogatories set out in Attachment 1 by 26 April 2011, serving copies on all other parties to the proceeding.
Document: 1563645.pdf - 106KB

2011-04-26 - Ontario Telecommunications Association
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission in the notice of consultation referenced above, the Ontario Telecommunications Association (“the OTA”) hereby files the responses of its member companies to the interrogatories posed by the Commission.
Document: - 177KB

2011-04-26 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel files the following response to CRTC interrogatories as specified in
the above noted Telecom Notice of Consultation.
Document: 1560501.pdf - 296KB

2011-04-26 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications
Description: In accordance with the procedure outlined in Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-219 - Review of the regulatory measure associated with single-line inside wire services provided by incumbent local exchange carriers to customers with no jack-ended demarcation device, Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) submits its Interrogatory responses.
Document: - 86KB

2011-04-26 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, LP, on behalf of itself and Télébec, société en commandite, and Bell Canada (the Companies)
Description: Pursuant to the Commission’s procedures in paragraph 13 of TNC 2011-219, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, LP, on behalf of itself and Télébec, société en commandite, and Bell Canada (collectively, the Companies), are submitting their responses to the interrogatories in Attachment 1 of the Notice.
Document: - 70KB

2011-04-26 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: In accordance with the procedure set out in paragraph 13 of Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-219, Review of the regulatory measure associated with single-line inside wire services provided by incumbent local exchange carriers to customers with no jack-ended demarcation device, MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) is submitting the following responses to the interrogatories directed to MTS Allstream.
Document: - 45KB

2011-04-26 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: In accordance with the directions provided by Commission staff in its notice dated March 29, 2011, TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”) files its attached responses to the interrogatories in relation to this proceeding.
Document: - 197KB

Section 8a) Costs

2011-07-08 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS is in receipt of an application for costs dated 28 June 2011 from PIAC
related to Notice 2011-219. TELUS does not object to PIAC’s eligibility for costs
or the amount claimed.
Document: 1588924.pdf - 148KB

2011-07-06 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada and Télébec, société en commandite (the Companies)
Description: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant), Bell Canada and Télébec, Société en Commandite (Télébec), (collectively, the Companies) are in receipt of an application for costs dated 28 June 2011 from PIAC in relation to the above noted proceeding.  The Companies do not object to the applicant's eligibility for costs or the amounts claimed
Document: 1587135.doc - 81KB

2011-06-28 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description: Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC), hereby submits its costs claim in the above-noted proceeding.
Document: 1584196.pdf - 3310KB

Section 8b) Others

2012-06-11 - People’s Tel Limited Partnership, operating as Eastlink
Description: People’s Tel Limited Partnership, operating as Eastlink (“Eastlink”), hereby files an updated tariff page to its People’s Tel Limited Partnership General Tariff pursuant to Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2012-83.
Document: - 43KB

2012-03-12 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Futher to the Commission's conclusions in TRP CRTC 2012-83, Notrhwestel wishes to advise the Commission that, in respect of the directives in paragraphs 26 and 26, the Company has followed and will continue to follow the requirements of paragraph 25 and already has an approved tariff, General Tariff CRTC 3011, Item 302.C, for the provision of Diagnostic Maintenance Service for customer's inside wire.
Document: 1686114.pdf - 84KB

2012-03-12 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: Please find attached copies of the tariff pages noted below in accordance with the Commission’s determinations in Telecom Regulatory Policy 2012-83 issued on 9 February 2012.
Document: 1686106.pdf - 46KB

2012-03-12 - Société TELUS Communications
Description: Vous trouverez ci-joint la copie de la page tarifaire approuvée par le Conseil tel que décrit ci-dessous.
Document: 1686101.pdf - 41KB

2012-03-09 - NorthernTel Limited Partnership
Description: Issued tariff page as per Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2012-83.
Document: 1684679.doc - 56KB

2012-03-09 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description: Issued tariff page as per Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2012-83.
Document: 1684659 .doc - 44KB

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