Navigata Communications, 2009 Inc. - PIC/CARE Manual: 8643-N75-201013747

2010-09-30 - Telecom Order CRTC 2010-728 Streamlined order
The Commission approves on a final basis the Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook of Navigata Communications, 2009 Inc.
File number: 8643-N75-201013747

2010-09-01 - Telecom Order CRTC 2010-652 Streamlined order
The Commission approves on an interim basis the Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook of the following Company :
Navigata Communications, 2009 Inc.
File number: 8643- N75-201013747

2010-08-13 - Navigata Communications, 2009 Inc.
Description: Pursuant to section 29 of the Telecommunications Act, Navigata files the attached PIC/CARE Handbook for Commission approval. This PlC/CARE Manual is based on version 3.2 of the Model PlC/CARE Handbook.
Document: - 1008KB

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