Globalive Wireless Management Corp. operating as WIND Mobile: 8622-G44-201014547

Application for Relief with respect to the non-compliance by Rogers Wireless Partnership with mandated Wireless Number Portability intervals

File Closed - Commission Letter - 2010-09-30

2010-09-30 - Commission Letter
Description:  Letter addressed to WIND Mobile and Rogers Wireless Partnership - Re: Part VII Application - WIND Mobile relief from non-compliance to wireless number portability porting intervals by Rogers Wireless Partnership

2010-09-28 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp.
Description: Globalive Wireless Management Corp. operating as WIND Mobile (WIND) is in receipt of an abridged answer (the Rogers Answer) filed on September 24, 2010 by Rogers Communications Partnership (Rogers), formerly Rogers Wireless Partnership, concerning WIND's September 9, 2010 Part VII Application for relief with respect to the non-compliance by Rogers Wireless Partnership with mandated Wireless Number Portability intervals.
Document: 1444734.pdf - 126KB

2010-09-24 - Rogers Communications Partnership
Description: Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”), formerly Rogers Wireless Partnership, is in receipt of an application filed pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure by Globalive Wireless Management Corp. operating as WIND Mobile (“Wind”) on September 9, 2010 (the “Application”) regarding the above-mentioned subject.
Document: 1443445.pdf - 47KB

2010-09-14 - Commission Letter
Description:  Letter addressed to WIND Mobile and Rogers Wireless Partnership - Re : Part VII Application - WIND Mobile relief from non-compliance to wireless number portability porting intervals by Rogers Wireless Partnership

2010-09-14 - Rogers Communications Partnership
Description: Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”), formerly Rogers Wireless Partnership, is in receipt of an application filed pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure by Globalive Wireless Management Corp. operating as WIND Mobile (“WIND”) on September 9, 2010 (the “September 9 Application”) regarding the above-mentioned subject.
Document: 1439176.pdf - 45KB

2010-09-09 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp. operating as WIND Mobile
Description: This application is submitted by Globalive Wireless Management Corp. operating as WIND Mobile pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure. WIND Mobile is hereby seeking an order from the Commission for the following relief directed against Rogers Wireless Partnership in respect of its Chatr branded service.
Document: 1437606.pdf - 811KB

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