2005-09-09 - #: 8622-C13-200510695 - Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association (CCTA) - Application requesting that the Commission refrain from applying some of the CLEC obligations established in Telecom Decision 97-8 to a class of Canadian carriers that quality as Group 2 CLECs or "small" CLECS

2006-09-18 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-58 Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association - Part VII application regarding the application of some competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC) obligations to certain CLECs. Reference: 8622-C13-200510695.

2005-10-21 - Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association (CCTA)
Description: The CCTA submits the attached reply to interventions pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure requesting that the Commission refrain from applying some of the CLEC obligations established in Telecom Decision 97-8 to a class of Canadian carriers qualifying as Group 2 CLECs" (the Application).
Document: 051021.pdf - 98KB

2005-10-11 - Xit Telecom Inc.
Description: find enclosed the comments of Xit telecom inc. as submitted on its behalf as well as on behalf of 9141-9077
Document: 051011.doc - 116KB

2005-10-11 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TELUS is in receipt of the above noted Application from the CCTA
Document: 051011.doc - 46KB

2005-10-11 - MCI Canada
Description: MCI Canada is in receipt of a Part VII application that was filed by the CCTA on September 9,2005, requesting that the Commission refrain from applying some of the CLEC obligations.
Document: 051011.zip - 7357KB

2005-10-11 - Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, Saskatchewan Telecommunications, and Télébec, société en commandite (collectively, the Companies).
Description: The attached Answer to the Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association (CCTA)'s 9 September 2005 Part VII Application in the above matter is submitted on behalf of Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, Saskatchewan Telecommunications, and Télébec, société en commandite (collectively, the Companies).
Document: 051011.doc - 339KB

2005-10-07 - Yak Communications (Canada) Inc.
Description: Pursuant to section 59 of the Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, Yak is filing the following answer to the CCTA's above noted application
Document: 051007.zip - 412KB

2005-09-09 - Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association (CCTA)
Description: The attached application is filed by the CCTA to request that the Commission refrain from applying some of the CLEC obligations established in Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8
Document: 050909.pdf - 91KB

Date Modified: 2005-10-26

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