Users of this list note that this list is not an official Commission document. It has been prepared as a convenience only. The determinations on indicators and standards set out in the Commission's decisions on Quality of Service, for services to residential and business customers, remain the Commission's final determinations in these respects. These decisions are: Telecom Decisions CRTC 2000-24, 2000-24-1, 2001-217, and 2001-375.

List of Quality of Service Indicators and Standards for use with PN 2003-3

 1. Service Provisioning

1.1: Provisioning Interval
1.2: Installation Appointments Met
1.3: Held Orders per 100 Network Access Services (NAS) Inward
1.4: Held Upgrades per 100 Upgrade Requests - Rural
1.5: Access to Business Office - On Hold Duration
1.7: On-Time Activation of PICs for Alternate Providers of Long Distance
       Service (APLDS)

 2. Repair Service

2.1: Out-of-Service Trouble Reports Cleared within 24 Hours
2.2: Repair Appointments Met
2.3: Initial Customer Trouble Reports per 100 NAS
2.4: Community Isolation
2.5: Access to Repair Bureau

 3. Local Services

3.1: Dial Tone Delay

 4. Directory Services

4.1: Directory Accuracy
4.2: Access to Directory Assistance
4.3: Directory Assistance - Accuracy

 5. Complaints

5.1: Customer Complaints
5.2: Customer Complaints Resolved


1.1: Provisioning Interval 
Decision 2000-24

Number of days required to provide service from the date of customer's request.

Measurement Method
Completed urban and rural orders are each sorted to determine the actual number and percentage completed in 5 working days or less for urban and 10 working days or less for rural - exclude from this measures, customers requesting a date beyond the applicable provisioning interval.

Geographical Basis
Urban and Rural

Urban - 90% or more completed within 5 working days.
Rural - 90% or more completed within 10 working days.

Reporting format
1.1A: Provisioning Interval - Urban 
1.1B: Provisioning Interval - Rural

1.2: Installation Appointments Met
Decision 2000-24

The total number of appointments booked and the number met, with percentage of those met relative to the total booked.

Measurement Method
Completed orders are sorted to determine the actual number and percentage completed on the appointed date.

Geographical Basis
Urban and Rural

Urban and Rural - 90% or more.

Reporting format
1.2A: Installation Appointments Met - Urban
1.2B: Installation Appointments Met - Rural

1.3: Held Orders per 100 Network Access Services (NAS) Inward Movement
Decision 2000-24

The number of outstanding requests for NAS which were not met on the due date because of facility shortages, expressed as a percentage of 100 NAS Inward Movement (Orders).

Measurement Method
The compilation of orders for NAS outstanding at the end of the month which were not met on the due date.

Geographical Basis
Urban and Rural

Urban and Rural - 3.3% or less.

Reporting format
1.3A: Held Orders per 100 NAS
         Inward Movement - Urban
1.3B: Held Orders per 100 NAS
         Inward Movement - Rural

1.4: Held Upgrades per 100 Upgrade Requests - Rural
Decision 2000-24

The number of rural outstanding requests for higher grades of service (e.g., from 4-party to 2-party service) unfilled for more than 30 days.

Measurement Method
A count of rural held upgrades (i.e., unfilled requests for upgrades) is taken at the end of each month, and those held over 30 days are calculated as a percentage of all upgrade requests (new requests plus requests unfilled from previous month).

Geographical Basis
Rural areas only.

Rural - 53% or less.   

Reporting format
1.4: Held Upgrades per 100 Upgrade Requests - Rural


1.   To be reported only by telephone companies with party lines in rural areas. All other telephone companies may mark this indicator as "N/A" (Not Applicable) in their Quarterly Quality of Service Reports.

2.   If a telephone company's service improvement program is being tracked by a Commission-established monitoring program as a result of the high cost decision, the quarterly reporting of this indicator is not required. However, the progress report resulting from the monitoring program to track service improvement plans should be filed annually as part of the fourth quarter quality of service quarterly report filing.

1.5: Access to Business Office - On Hold Duration 
Decisions 2001-217, 2001-375

The percentage of calls to a business office that are connected to a service representative of the business office within 20 seconds or less.

Measurement Method
All incoming calls to the business offices are measured to determine the percentage of calls that are connected to a service representative of the business office within 20 seconds or less.

Geographical Basis

80% or more.

Reporting format
1.5 - Access to Business Office - On Hold

1.7: On-Time Activation of PICs for Alternate Providers of Long Distance Service (APLDS) 
Decision 2000-24

PIC activation is the provisioning process whereby the incumbent telephone companies switch a customer's long distance service over to a competitor. Each telephone company with equal access must handle PICs using their own Commission-approved "PIC/CARE Access Customer Handbook" (company's handbook).

Measurement Method
Completed PIC requests are sorted to determine the actual number and percentage completed in accordance with the company's handbook.

Geographical Basis

90% or more.

Reporting format
1.7: On-Time Activation of PICs for Alternate
      Providers of Long Distance Service (APLDS)


2.1: Out-of-Service Trouble Reports Cleared within 24 Hours
Decision 2000-24

The total of initial out-of-service trouble reports and those cleared within 24 hours. Percentages of those cleared relative to this total.

Measurement Method
Compilation of trouble report data gathered at each repair bureau.

Geographical Basis
Urban and Rural

Urban and Rural - 80% or more

Reporting format
2.1A: Out-of-Service Trouble Reports Cleared within
         24 Hours - Urban
2.1B: Out-of-Service Trouble Reports Cleared within
         24 Hours - Rural

2.2: Repair Appointments Met 
Decision 2000-24

The actual number and percentage of repair appointments met.

Measurement Method
Completed repair orders are compiled and the number and percentage of appointments met are reported.

Geographical Basis
Urban and Rural

Urban and Rural - 90% or more.

Reporting format
2.2A: Repair Appointments Met - Urban
2.2B: Repair Appointments Met - Rural

2.3: Initial Customer Trouble Reports per 100 NAS
Decision 2000-24

A report of a trouble from a customer indicating improper functioning of service on which there was no outstanding trouble report.

Measurement Method
The total number of initial trouble reports (excluding duplicate/multiple reports of same outage) and calculated as a percentage of NAS in service.

Geographical Basis
Urban and Rural

Urban and Rural - 5% or less.

Reporting format
2.3A: Initial Customer Trouble Reports per 100 NAS - Urban
2.3B: Initial Customer Trouble Reports per 100 NAS - Rural

2.4: Community Isolation 
Decision 2000-24

Community isolation resulting from trunk failure that lasts one hour or more.

Measurement Method
Actual incidents that occurred and the communities affected. Count each occurrence.

Geographical Basis
Community isolation incidents will be reported company wide, according to the following categories: 
Category 1 - Local network outage causing small community isolation lasting 60 minutes or longer. 
Category 2 - Local network outage relating to 10,000 lines lasting 60 minutes or longer. 
Category 3 - Local network outage relating to 30,000 lines lasting 60 minutes or longer.

Not applicable.

Reporting format
2.4A: Community Isolation - Category 1
2.4B: Community Isolation - Category 2
2.4C: Community Isolation - Category 3

2.5: Access to Repair Bureau
Decisions 2001-217, 2001-375

The percentage of calls to a repair bureau answered in 20 seconds or less.

Measurement Method
All incoming calls to the repair bureau are measured to determine the percentage of calls answered in 20 seconds or less.

Geographical Basis
Company-wide, as these calls are all centrally handled irrespective of where the calls originate.

80% or more. 

Reporting format
2.5 - Access to Repair Bureau


3.1: Dial Tone Delay
Decision 2000-24

The percentage of attempted calls during the busy hour experiencing dial tone delay of three seconds or less.

Measurement Method
Dial tone delay recorders are utilized to determine the percentage of occasions on which all lines were busy (and thus dial tone delay is experienced by customers).

Geographical Basis

98.5% or more

Reporting format
3.1: Dial Tone Delay


4.1: Directory Accuracy 
Decision 2000-24

The percentage of customer listings in the white pages of company directories published without errors or omissions.

Measurement Method
The number of errors discovered by the company, or reported to the company by subscribers, is reported on a monthly basis. Cumulative data are expressed as a percentage of total white page listings for each publication period.

Geographical Basis

93.8% or more.

Reporting format
4.1: Directory Accuracy

4.2: Access to Directory Assistance
Decision 2001-217

The percentage of calls to Directory Assistance that are answered in 20 seconds or less.

Measurement Method
All incoming calls to Directory Assistance are measured to determine the percentage of calls answered in 20 seconds or less.

Geographical Basis

80% or more.

Reporting format
4.2: Directory Assistance - Access

4.3: Directory Assistance - Accuracy
Decision 2001-217

The percentage of directory listings provided to customers without error.

Measurement Method
The number of customers in a monthly sample who report an error in the provided number, as a percentage of the sample size.

Geographical Basis

93.8% or more without error.

Reporting format
4.3: Directory Assistance - Accuracy


5.1: Customer Complaints
2000-24, 2000-24-1

The number of complaints addressed (in written and verbal form) to officers and department heads of the telephone companies and the Commission.

Measurement Method
This indicator categorizes complaints into the seven interfaces and totals all customer complaints. To facilitate comparison between telephone companies, complaints per 1000 NAS will be reported.

Geographical Basis
Urban and Rural.

Not applicable

Reporting format
5.1A: Total Customer Complaints Per 1000 NAS -  Urban
5.1B: Total Customer Complaints Per 1000 NAS - Rural
5.1A1: Provisioning Customer Complaints Per 1000 NAS - Urban
5.1B1: Provisioning Customer Complaints Per 1000 NAS - Rural
5.1A2: Repair Customer Complaints Per 1000 NAS - Urban
5.1B2: Repair Customer Complaints Per 1000 NAS - Rural
5.1A3: Local Service Customer Complaints Per 1000 NAS - Urban
5.1B3: Local Service Customer Complaints Per 1000 NAS - Rural
5.1A4: Long Distance Service Customer Complaints Per 1000 NAS -
5.1B4: Long Distance Service Customer Complaints Per 1000 NAS -
5.1A5: Operator Service Customer Complaints Per 1000 NAS - Urban
5.1B5: Operator Service Customer Complaints Per 1000 NAS - Rural
5.1A6: Directory Service Customer Complaints Per 1000 NAS - Urban
5.1B6: Directory Service Customer Complaints Per 1000 NAS -  Rural
5.1A7: Billing Service Customer Complaints Per 1000 NAS - Urban
5.1B7: Billing Service Customer Complaints Per 1000 NAS - Rural

5.2: Customer Complaints Resolved
Decision 2001-217

The percentage of Indicator 5.1 complaints, oral and written, addressed to the telephone companies resolved within 20 working days.

Measurement Method
Complaints are tabulated as resolved either within 20 working days or greater than 20 working days.

Geographical Basis

90% or more.

Reporting format
5.2: Complaints Resolution

Date Modified: 2003-05-14

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