O.N. Tel: 8662-O4-02/02

Review and Variance of Decisions 2001-583 and 2001-756 - Rescission of Order 2001-853

2003/04/04 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-21 The Commission approves an application by O.N.Telcom to vary Decision CRTC 2001-756 dated 14 December 2001 and denies their request to alter the terms and conditions of Decision CRTC 2001-583 dated 13 September 2001. Reference: 8662-O4-02/02

2002/06/20 - O.N.Telcom
Description: This letter is filed further to the review and variance application filed by O.N.Tel Inc., carrying on business as O.N.Telcom, on March 11, 2002 with respect to Decisions CRTC 2001-583 and 2001-756.
Document: 020620.doc - 27KB

2002/05/08 - O.N. Telcom
Description: O.N.Tel Inc., carrying on business as O.N.Telcom ("O.N.Telcom"), is in receipt of a letter from Northern Telephone Limited Partnership, formerly Northern Telephone Limited ("NTLP") dated 3 May 2002.
Document: 020508.doc - 32KB


2002/05/03 - Northern Telephone Limited Partnership("Northern")
Description: Northern's response to O.N.Telcom's letter of April 22, 2002 in regards to the Review and Vary of Decision 2001-583 and Decision 2001-756.
Document: 020503.doc - 110KB

2002/04/23 - O.N. Telcom - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Further to its Reply filed yesterday, O.N.Telcom hereby provides to the Commission five copies of the confidential Attachments to that Reply.

2002/04/22 - O.N. Telcom
Description: O.N.Tel Inc., carrying on business as O.N.Telcom, hereby files its Reply with respect to its Application to review and vary Decision CRTC 2001-583, O.N.Telcom - Implementation of toll competition and related matters, 13 September 2001, and Decision CRTC 2001-756, Regulatory framework for the small incumbent telephone companies, 14 December 2001.
Document: 020422.zip - 530KB

2002/04/10 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada is in receipt of an application made by O.N.Telcom on 11 March 2002, which was filed pursuant to section 62 of the Telecommunications Act and Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, to review and vary Decision 2001-583 and Decision 2001-756 (the Application).
Document: 020410.doc - 50KB

2002/04/10 - Northern Telephone Limited ("Northern")
Description: Northern provides hereafter its comments on O.N.Telcom's Review and Vary application.
Document: 020410.doc - 225KB

2002/04/05 - O.N. Telcom
Description: This letter is filed further to the review and variance application filed by O.N.Tel Inc., carrying on business as O.N.Telcom, on March 11, 2002 with respect to Decisions CRTC 2001-583 and 2001-756.
Document: 020405.doc - 27KB

2002/03/11 - O.N.Telcom
Description: This application seeks a review and variance of Decision CRTC 2001-583, O.N.Telcom - Implementation of toll competition and related matters, 13 September 2001, and Decision CRTC 2001-756, Regulatory framework for the small incumbent telephone companies, 14 December 2001.
Document: 020311.zip - 39KB

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