Smith's Landing: 8624-S55-01/02

Service to Fort Fitzgerald, Alberta

2003/02/28 - Decision Telecom CRTC 2003-9 - The Commission directs Northwestel Inc. to provide telephone service to the community of Fort Fitzgerald, Alberta. Reference: 8624-S55-01/02.

2003/01/10 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel understands that there was a typo in its letter correspondence dated December 20th, 2002, to the above proceeding.
Document: 030110.doc - 64KB

2002/12/20 - Northwestel Inc. 
Description:  Pursuant to the procedures set out in the CRTC's letter of November 07, 2002, the following constitutes Northwestel Inc.'s ("the Company") response to the reply comments from TELUS and Smith Landings First Nation (SLFN) received by the Company on August 16, 2002, and an additional letter from SLFN dated December 17, 2002
Document: - 598KB

2002/12/17 - Smith's Landing First Nation - "Hard Copy Document"
Description:  Addendum to the letter dated December 16, 2002.

2002/12/16 - Smith's Landing First Nation - "Hard Copy Document"
Description:  On behalf of the Smiths Landing First Nation I would thank both Telus and Northwestel for providing their respective responses to the interrogatories posed by the CRTC in regards to the telephone services for our First Natinal and Community.

2002/12/16 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TELUS Communications Inc. ("TELUS", or "the Company") has received a copy of the responses filed by Northwestel Inc. ("Northwestel") on December 6, 2002 with regard to service to Fort Fitzgerald. In accordance with the procedure provided in your letter of November 7, 2002, TELUS hereby files its comments on those responses.
Document: 021216.doc - 43KB

2002/12/06 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the CRTC's letter of November 07, 2002, Northwestel Inc. ("the Company") hereby files its response to the interrogatories regarding the request for service from the Smith's Landing First Nation located in Fort Fitzgerald, Alberta.
Document: - 77KB

2002/11/07 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Northwestel - Re: Request for Service to Fort Fitzgerald, Alberta - Proceeding

2002/09/09 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to your letter of August 30, 2002, TELUS Communications Inc. ("TELUS", or "the Company") hereby files its answers to your questions regarding the request for service from the Smith's Landing First Nation located in Fort Fitzgerald, Alberta.
Document: - 43KB

2002/08/30 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
File #: 8624-S55-01/02
Description: Letter addressed to TELUS Communications Inc. - Re: Request for Service to Fort Fitzgerald, Alberta - Interrogatories

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