Paytel Canada vs Sprint: 8670-P29-01/01

Billing for Toll Free Calls

File Closed - Resolved verbally 2001/04/24

2001/04/18 - Goldiphones - "Hard Copy Document"
Description:  Goldiphones is a registered C.P.T.S.P. in good standing with the CRTC and this correspondence is in support of the aforementioned letter by Paytel Canada.

2001/04/18 - Canadian Payphone Association - "Hard Copy Document"
Description:  The Canadain Payphone Association has received a copy of a letter dated April 11, 2001, from Solicitors to behhalf of Paytel Canada, Inc. to the Commission in connection with the above-noted matter.

2001/04/15 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc. - "Hard Copy Document"
Description:  Call-Net is in receipt of a copy of a letter addressed the Commission from McCarthy Tétrault, Solicitors, on behhalf of Paytel Canada, Inc. dated April 11, 2001, seeking "expedited Commission determination in connection with a dispute between Paytel and Sprint Canada".

2001/04/12 - Goldiphones - "Hard Copy Document"
Description:  Comments on billing agreement

2001/04/11 - McCarthy Tétrault for Paytel Canada Inc. ("Paytel") - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: We are solicitor for Paytel Canada Inc.  This is an application pursuant to Public Notice CRTC 2000-65, May 12, 2000, for an "expedited Commission determination" in connection with a dispute between Paytel and Sprint Canada ("Sprint").

2001/04/06 - Sprint Canada - "Hard Copy Document"
Description:  We are writing this letter in response to your invoices of January and February 2001 representing charges for payphone calls terminatedon Sprint Canada Inc.

2001/04/04 - Goldiphones - "Hard Copy Document"
Description:  As of December 15, 2000, Goldiphones has submitted to Sprint Canada billing for toll free calls originating from our pay telephones.

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