O.N. Tel - PIC CARE Handbook: 8643-O4-02/01
2003/04/11 - Telecom Order CRTC 2003-148 The Commission approves on an interim basis O.N.Telcom's Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook, subject to the company incorporating amendments. Reference: 8643-O4-02/01.
2003/12/22 - O.N.Telcom
Description: In compliance with Telecom Order CRTC 2003-148, O.N.Telcom's PIC/CARE Access Customer Handbook, O.N.Telcom hereby submits a revised PIC/CARE handbook
Document: 031222.zip - 1605KB
2001/11/30 - O.N. Telcom - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Associated with Tariff Notice No. 97 : PIC/CARE - In Decision CRTC 2001-583, O.N. Telcom - Implementation of toll competition and related matters ("Decision 2001-583"), the CRTC required that O.N. Telcom file for approval its handbook for PIC/CARE activation, to be effective 1 January 2002.
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