Ontario Telecommunications Association (OTA) - PIC CARE Handbook: 8643-O2-01/01

2003/04/16 - Telecom Order CRTC 2003-153 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, subject to some amendments, the Ontario Telephone Association's Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer handbook submitted on 1 December 2001. Reference: 8643-O2-01/01.

2003/05/01 - Ontario Telecommunications Association (OTA)
Description:  Revised pages for the OTA's PIC/CARE Manual as required by Telecom Order CRTC 2003-153
Document: 030501.pdf - 1718KB

2002/06/10 - Ontario Telecommunications Association
Description: Attached is a change of procedure for Transfer of Files. Originally OTA requested the use of e-mail or FTP for receiving and forwarding CARE files.
Document: 020610.doc - 96KB

2001/12/24 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada is in receipt of the OTA PIC/CARE Procedure Manual which was filed on 30 November 2001. The Company has the following comments on this filing.
Document: 011224.doc - 55KB

2001/12/01 - Ontario Telecommunications Associations - "Hard Copy Document"
Description:  Enclosed for the Commission's approval, is a revised PIC/CARE manual for the Ontario Telecommunications Association members.  The original manual, filed August 1997, is to be replaced with this version that has been modified to include CISC requested changes since 1997.

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