Northern Telephone: 8640-N3-03/01

Forbearance for High Capacity/DDS Interexchange Private Line Service on Certain Routes 

2001/08/22 - Northern Telephone Limited ("Northern")
Description: This letter is further to Northern Telephone Limited's ("Northern") application of June 29, 2001 requesting forbearance in respect of High Capacity/DDS Interexchange private line service along the Timmins – Haileybury route.
010822.doc - 47KB

2001/08/03 - Northern Telephone Limited - "Hard Copy Document"
Description:  Northern Telephone Limited ("Northern") is in receipt of a letter from O.N. Telcom dated July 30, 2001 concerning Northern's request for forbearance in respect of High Capacity/DDS Interexchange private line services along the Timmins - Haileybury route.

2001/07/30 - O.N.Telcom
Description: O.N.Telcom is in receipt of an application filed by Northern Telephone Limited ("NTL") dated June 29, 2001 seeking "forbearance in respect of High Capacity/DDS interexchange private line services on the route described as "Timmins – Haileybury" - Comments
010730.doc - 51KB

2001/06/29 - Northern Telephone - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Northern Telephone - Forbearance for High Capacity/DDS Interexchange Private Line Service on Certain Routes.

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