Public Notice 2001-47: 8663-C12-04/01

Framework for the Expansion of Local Calling Areas and Related Issued

Section 1 - Commission Documents
a) Public Notice, Decisions, etc.
b) List of interested parties
c) Correspondence to parties
d) Interrogatories

Section 2 - Documents from Parties
a) Correspondence to the Commission
b) Interrogatories
c) Submissions
d) Requests for further responses and public disclosure
e) Replies to requests for further responses and for public disclosure
f) Comments
g) Reply Comments

Section 5 - Responses to interrogatories

Section 8 - Miscellaneous Documents

Section 1a) Public Notice, Decision, etc.

2002/10/04 - Telecom Cost Order CRTC 2002-14 - Application for costs by Tatlayoko Think Tank with respect to its participation in the proceeding initiated by Framework for the expansion of local calling areas and related issues, Public Notice CRTC 2001-47, 27 April 2001. Reference: 8663-C12-04/01 and 4754-202.

2002/10/04 - Telecom Cost Order CRTC 2002-13 - Application for costs by Action Réseau Consommateur, the Consumers' Association of Canada, and la Fédération des Associations coopératives d'économie familiale's application for costs with respect to their participation in the proceeding initiated by Framework for the expansion of local calling areas and related issues, Public Notice CRTC 2001-47, 27 April 2001. Reference: 8663-C12-04/01 and 4754-199.

2002/09/12 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-56 - Framework for the expansion of local calling areas. In this decision, the Commission maintains the existing extended area of service (EAS) criteria to assess applications for EAS as these criteria continue to be appropriate in certain circumstances. The Commission also announces a new framework for the expansion of local calling areas (LCAs). Reference : 8663-C12-04/01.

Section 1c) Correspondence to parties

No Documents

Section 1d) Interrogatories

2001/10/17 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description:  Letter addressed to Interested Parties - Re:  Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2001-47 - Framework for the expansion of local calling areas and related issues - request for disclosure of responses to interrogatories filed in confidence

2001/08/27 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Letter addressed to Ontario Telecommunications Association (OTA) - Re: Framework for expansion of local calling areas and related issues - Interrogatories

2001/08/27 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Letter addressed to Aliant Telecom Inc. - Re: Framework for expansion of local calling areas and related issues - Interrogatories

2001/08/27 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Re: Framework for expansion of local calling areas and related issues - Interrogatories


2001/08/27 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Letter addressed to Call-Net Enterprises Inc. - Re: Framework for expansion of local calling areas and related issues - Interrogatories

2001/08/27 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Letter addressed to City of Ottawa - Re: Framework for expansion of local calling areas and related issues - Interrogatories

2001/08/27 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Letter addressed to Northwestel Inc. - Re: Framework for expansion of local calling areas and related issues - Interrogatories

2001/08/27 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Letter addressed to RSL COM Canada Inc. - Re: Framework for expansion of local calling areas and related issues - Interrogatories


2001/08/27 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Letter addressed to TELUS Communications Inc. - Re: Framework for expansion of local calling areas and related issues - Interrogatories

2001/08/27 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard copy Document"
Letter addressed to SaskTel-Regulatory Affairs - Re: Framework for expansion of local calling areas and related issues - Interrogatories

2001/08/27 - Commission Letter - French Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Letter addressed to Télébec Ltée - Re: Framework for expansion of local calling areas and related issues - Interrogatories

Section 2a) Correspondence to the Commission

2001/09/24 - Northwestel Inc. Regulatory Affairs
Northwestel submits a request for an additional week to prepare its response.
Document:  010924.doc - 20KB


Section 2b) Interrogatories

2001/08/28 - Desmarais, Keenan LLP - City of Greater Sudbury - "Hard Copy Document"
We advise that we are the solicitors for the City of Greater Sudbury in connection with the above noted matter.  Enclosed please find the following document.

2001/08/27 - TELUS Communications Inc. - "Hard Copy Document"
In accordance with the procedures set out by the Commission in Public Notic CRTC 2001-47, please find attached interrogatories from TELUS Communications Inc. addressed to various parties who filed submissions on July 26, 2001.

2001/08/27 - Tatlayoko Think Tank
Interrogatories are addressed to TELUS only.
Document:  010827.doc - 45KB

2001/08/27 - West Coast Teltech Ltd.
Interrogatories addressed to Telus
Document:  010827.doc - 22KB

2001/08/27 - Gouvernement du Québec - Ministère de la Culture et des Communications
Nous vous transmettons ci-jointes les demandes de renseignements du ministère de la Culture et des Communications (Gouvernement du Québec) dans l'instance visée par l'Avis public susmentionné et ce, conformément à la procédure indiquée au paragraphe 16 de l'Avis public CRTC 2001-47.
Document: - 9KB


2001/08/27 - Competition Bureau
Pursuant to the procedures set out in Framework for the expansion of local calling areas, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2001-47, please find attached the interrogatories of the Competition Bureau for Call-Net, TELUS, and Bell-Canada et al
Document: - 16KB

2001/08/27 - ARC et al
Attached are interrogatories from ARC et al to Bell/MTS ("The Companies"), Aliant, TELUS, SaskTel, Northwestel, RSL COM, Call-Net, the OTA, ONTelecom, Multi-Sync Communications, the City of Ottawa, and the Tatlyoko Think Tank, in this proceeding.
Document:  010827.doc - 73KB

2001/08/27 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Pursuant to the procedures set out by the Commission in Public Notice 2001-47, the attached interrogatories are submitted on behalf of Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Document:  010827.doc - 33KB


2001/08/27 - City of Ottawa
We are solicitors for the City of Ottawa ("Ottawa") in this matter. In accordance with the procedures set out in the above noted Public Notice, Ottawa is pleased to submit its interrogatories.
Document: - 199KB

2001/08/27 - Bell Canada and MTS Communications Inc.
Pursuant to the procedures set out by the Commission at paragraph 16 of Public Notice 2001-47, the attached interrogatories are being addressed to the City of Ottawa, RSL COM Canada Inc. and TELUS Communications Inc., by Bell Canada and MTS Communications Inc. (collectively, the Companies).
Document:  010827_1.doc - 117KB

2001/08/27 - City of Greater Sudbury (Desmarais, Keenan Lawyers)
Pursuant to the procedures established in Public Notice 2001-47, Framework for the expansion of local calling areas and related issues, the following  interrogatory is submitted on behalf of the City of Greater Sudbury.
Document:  010827.doc - 1293KB


Section 2c) Submissions

2001/07/26 - RSL COM Canada Inc.
Pursuant to the procedures contained in the above-noted proceeding, RSL COM Canada Inc. is pleased to submit the attached comments.
Document:  010726.doc - 60 KB

2001/07/26 - SaskTel Regulatory Affairs
The attached Comments are filed by SaskTel in accordance with the procedures outlined in the above noted proceeding.
Document: - 36KB

2001/07/26 - Bell Canada and MTS Communications Inc.
Public Notice CRTC 2001-47: Framework for the expansion of local calling areas and related issues - Comments.
Document:  010726.doc - 158 KB

2001/07/26 - Northwestel Inc.
Submission for Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2001-47 Framework for the Expansion of  Local Calling Areas and Related Issues.
Document: - 11KB


2001/07/26 - City of Ottawa
In accordance with the procedures set out in the above noted Public Notice, the City of Ottawa ("Ottawa") is pleased to provide its initial submissions. Ottawa reserves the right to amend its position as the record of this proceeding develops.
Document: - 340KB

2001/07/26 - Call-Net Communications Inc.
Pursuant to the procedures established in Public Notice 2001-47 issued on April 27, 2001, Call-Net Enterprises Inc. files the submission set out below on behalf of itself, Call-Net Technology Services Inc, and Call-Net Communications Inc. (collectively, Call-Net).
Document:  010726.doc - 69KB

2001/07/26 - Télébec and Northern Telephone
Avis public CRTC 2001-47 - Observations de Télébec et Northern Telephone.
Document:  010726.doc - 1387KB

2001/07/26 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
In accordance with the Commission's directions in Public Notice CRTC 2001-47, Aliant Telecom Inc. provides the enclosed submission.
Document:  010726.doc - 168KB


2001/07/26 - O.N.Telcom
Pursuant to the procedures set forth in Public Notice CRTC 2001-47, Framework for the expansion of local calling areas and related issues, O.N.Telcom hereby files the attached Submission.
Document: - 44KB

2001/07/26 - Ontario Telecommunications Association (OTA)
Pursuant to paragraph 15 of the Public Notice CRTC 2001-47, please find enclosed herewith a submission from the OTA, filed on behalf of its twenty (20) member companies listed in Attachment A.
Document: - 295KB

2001/07/26 - TELUS Communications Inc.
In accordance with the procedures set out by the Commission in Public Notice CRTC 2001-47, please find attached the Evidence of TELUS Communications Inc.
Document: - 120KB

2001/07/26 -Municipalité de Saint-Luc
Observations de la Municipalité de Saint-Luc Province de Québec.
Document:  010726.doc - 54KB

2001/07/24 - La Municipalité de Saint-Luc-de-Bellechasse - "Hard Copy Document"
La Municipalité de Saint-Luc-de-Bellechasse veut présenter un mémoire au CRTC concernant l'Avis public CRTC 2001-47 intitulé:  Cadre régissant l'élargissement des zones d'appel local et questions connexes.


2001/07/24 - Multi-Sync Communications
CRTC Public Notice 2001-47, Framework for the expansion of  local calling areas and related issues.
Document:  010724.pdf - 85KB

2001/07/24 - City of Greater Sudbury (Desmarais, Keenan Lawyers)
Attached is the submission of the City of Greater Sudbury in response to CRTC Public Notice 2001-47 - Framework for the expansion of local calling areas and related issues.
Document:  010724.doc - 7651KB

2001/07/22 - Tatlayoko Think Tank
In accordance with the procedures outlined in the above noted public notice, the Tatlayoko Think Tank, et al. is filing the attached submission.
Document:  010722.doc - 68KB

Section 2d) Requests to further responses and for public disclosure

2001/10/04 - City of Ottawa
We are solicitors for the City of Ottawa ("Ottawa") in this matter. In accordance with the procedures set out in the above noted Public Notice, Ottawa is pleased to submit its requests for public disclosure of information for which confidentiality had been claimed in certain responses to interrogatories in this proceeding.
Document: - 25KB


Section 2e) Reply to requests for further responses and for public disclosure

2001/10/11 - Bell Canada and MTS Communications Inc.
The Companies are in receipt of a request from the City of Ottawa for disclosure of information for which confidentiality has been claimed in certain responses to interrogatories in this proceeding. Pursuant to paragraph 19 of Public Notice 2001-47, the following is the response of the Companies to the City of Ottawa's requests.
Document: - 76KB

2001/10/11 - TELUS Communications Inc.
In accordance with the procedures set out by the Commission in Public Notice CRTC 2001-47, TELUS Communications Inc. ("TELUS", "the Company") hereby files the following response to the October 4, 2001 request of the City of Ottawa ("Ottawa") for disclosure of certain information filed in confidence by TELUS in its interrogatory responses
Document:  011011.doc - 68KB


Section 2f) Comments

2001/12/21 - Aliant Telecom Inc. - "Hard Copy Document"
Description:  Aliant Telecom Inc. ("the Company") has received copy of an application dated 13 December 2001 made by ARC et al for an award of costs for its participation in the above noted proceeding.

2001/11/27 - Letters in support - Tatlayoko Think Tank's submission
Document: - 117KB

2001/11/19 - Desmarais, Keenan LLP. - "Hard Copy Document"
Description:  We advise that we are the solicitors for the City of Greater Sudbury in connection with the above noted matter. Enclosed please find the following documents.

2001/11/15 - City of Greater Sudbury
Description: Final Submission from the City of Greater Sudbury attached.
Document: 011115.doc - 75KB

2001/11/15 - ARC et al
The following Comments are submitted by Action Réseau Consommateur, the Consumers' Association of Canada, and Fédération des Associations Coopératives d'économie familiale ("ARC et al") in response to the above-mentioned Public Notice.
Document: - 22KB

2001/11/15 - Bell Canada and MTS Communications Inc.
In paragraph 21 of Public Notice 2001-47, Framework for the expansion of local calling areas and related issues, the following comments are submitted on behalf of Bell Canada and MTS Communications Inc. (collectively, the Companies).
Document: 011115.doc - 174KB

2001/11/15 - Futureway Communications Inc.
Futureway's comments on the issues raised by the Commission.
Document: 011115.doc - 289KB

2001/11/15 - West Coast Teltech Ltd.
Attached are the final comments for Public Notice CRTC 2001-47 from West Coast Teltech Ltd.
Document: 011115.doc - 26KB

2001/11/15 - O.N.Telcom
PN 2001-47 - O.N.Telcom's Submission - Framework for the expansion of local calling areas and related issues - Comments
Document: 011115.doc - 28KB

2001/11/15 - Yukon Government
Pursuant to the procedures set out by the Commission in paragraph 14 of Public Notice 2001-47, please find enclosed the comments of the Yukon government.
Document: - 19KB

2001/11/15 - The City of Calgary
Public Notice CRTC 2001-47 is seeking public input to establish a set of general principles and criteria to be used in assessing applications for the creation of common local calling areas.
Document: - 514KB

2001/11/15 - RSL COM Canada Inc.
Pursuant to the procedures set out in Public Notice CRTC 2001-47, RSL COM Canada Inc. ("RSL") offers the following final comments.
Document: 011115.doc - 51KB

2001/11/15 - AT&T Canada
Pursuant to the procedures established in the above-referenced public notice, the following comments are filed by AT&T Canada Corp. and AT&T Canada Telecom Services Company (collectively, AT&T Canada).
Document: - 18KB

2001/11/15 - City of Ottawa
We are solicitors for the City of Ottawa ("Ottawa") in this matter. In accordance with the procedures set out in the above noted Public Notice, Ottawa is pleased to submit its comments in this proceeding.
Document: - 37KB

2001/11/15 - Competition Bureau
On behalf of the Commissioner of Competition, Competition Bureau, I am pleased to enclose the written comments of the Competition Bureau with respect to the above-captioned proceeding.
Document: - 16KB

2001/11/15 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
As per the Commission's directions in Public Notice CRTC 2001-47, attached please find Aliant Telecom comments.
Document: - 110KB

2001/11/15 - TELUS Communications Inc.
In accordance with the procedures set out by the Commission in Public Notice CRTC 2001-47, please find attached the Comments of TELUS Communications Inc.
Document: 011115.doc - 96KB

2001/11/15 - Ontario Telecommunications Association (OTA)
Pursuant to paragraph 21 of the Public Notice CRTC 2001-47, the Ontario Telecommunications Association, on behalf of its twenty (20) member companies listed in Attachment A, provides the following comments.
Document: 011115.doc - 111KB

2001/11/15 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel")
In accordance with the Commission's directions in Public Notice CRTC 2001-47 dated 27 April 2001, Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) provides herewith its Final Comments.
Document: - 30KB

2001/11/01 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Pursuant to the procedures established in Public Notice 2001-47 issued on April 27, 2001, Call-Net Enterprises Inc. files its final comments set out below on behalf of itself, Call-Net Technology Services Inc, and Call-Net Communications Inc. (collectively, Call-Net).
Document: 011101.doc - 33KB

2001/10/31 - Letters in support - Tatlayoko Think Tank's submission
Document: - 103KB

2001/09/27 - Letters in support - Tatlayoko Think Tank's Submission
Document: - 52KB

"List of comments by alphabetical order"

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Adair, Gennie
Aelick, Dwight & Ann
Allen, Denise
Andruchuk, Rick & Allison
Avery, N - Regional District of Nanaimo


Backmann, Ed
Baker, Keith & Roberta
Bakker, R.
Barclay, Kelly
Barone, Sue
Bayne, Ron & Ann
Bell, Lynne
Bevans, Dexter
Bevans, Lorraine
Blanchard, Connie
Bolinger, Cindy
Boughner, Marc
Bowden, Albert F.
Bozarth-Brown, Ellen
Bragg, Susan
Bridgman, David & Sharon
Brown Dave & Paula

Caisse populaire Desjardins des Monts de Bellechasse (Petition of 1087 signatories)
Campbell, Ross & Carole
Champigny, Gina
Chang, Denise
Cipryk, Vivian
Clark, Todd
Colwell, Mark
Colwell, Robert J., Gore Bay - Manitoulin Airport
Cook, Walter & Marion
Crabtree, Robert
Crerar, Maureen & Jack

Dafoe, Kelly
Dark, Don & Ellen
Death, Wilfred
Deschênes-Furry, Julie
Deloughery, Arlene
Detwiller, Bob
Doe, Tracey
Douglas, Marilyn & Murray
Dubé, Gisèle
Duerksen, Vern

Ellis, Marie
Everett, Brad

Feenstra, Brian - Huron Oaks Golf & Recreation Centre
Ferguson, George F. - Mayor - City of Abbotsford
Fletcher, Debbie
Foisy, Brenda
Forrest, Jennifer - Cowichan Valley Regional District
Fournier, Suzanne
Furry, Jeffrey


Gehring, Dana
Giangrande, Aldo
Gibbard, Louise
Gilkinson, Mervin & Norine
Gill, Mickey
Glendenning, Arlene
Gold, Carole
Gold-Roytenberg, Daniel
Gordon, Rita
Gosselin, Carol
Gould, Mary
Graves, Roger
Gray, Thomas
Gregory, Barbara
Gregory, Suzanne
Grimstad-Davidson, W.K.
Gross, Harry & Anne

Hache, Dorothy
Happy, Patricia
Harder, Connie-Lyne
Harris, Fred & Ruth
Harrison, Rebecca
Healy, Anita
Heffer, Doug & Judy
Henderson, Michael & Marina
Holm, Roy & Sharon
Holton, Helen

Jackson, Brian
Jackson, Eugene & Rose Ann
Jacques, Mark & Kim
Johns, Todd & Colleen
Johnson, Dan
Johnson, W. Eric
Jones, Robin

Kennedy, Gerald A.
Kipling, Kelly
Knelsen, Mike
Kosa, Frank - Village of Lumby
Krasny, Elizabeth & Christner, Steve
Kroon, Ruth


Lagrotteria, Linda
Larsen, Ken & Evelyn
Larson, C.
Laurence, Edward & Corrie
Lawson, F.F.
Lindsay, John
Lybbert, Bryan & Fara

MacKinnon, Rose & Alex
Macklin, Rae & Lorena
MacLean, Penny
Mahodd Falls Community Society
Mailes, G.
Marchbank, Cam
Maronda, Marvin
McBride, Mary Jane & Murray
McConnell, Ed & Anita
McEwan, S.
McMorran, Harriet & Douglas
McNeil, Mary & Garry
McPhail, Bonnie
Methner, Paul
Michels, Roger
Moberg, Dorothy
Moore, Leona
Morash Family
Murray, Daphne

Nasvadi, Wendy
Nichols, Marianne & David
Nielsen, Betty & Dale

Oakes, Jim & Marquitas
O'Donnell, Shannon
Olive, Patrick W. - Region of Durham

Patterson, Nancy
Pattinson, Janet
Phillips, George


Ready, Diane - Council of the Village of Hazelton
Reagan, Janice
Redden, Matt
Reed, Trish
Rideout, Doris
Rivas, Jacqueline
Rivas, Joe
Rivas, Jose
Robertson, Barry
Roygold Marketing Systems Ltd.
Roytenberg, Max
Ruggles, Philip & E'mae
Russell, John

Sattelberger, Pete
Sayner, Joanne
Schwartzburg, Rick
Scowen, Chris
Smart, Martha
Smith, Susan A.
South Shore Tourism Association, Lynne Perry
Stapleton, Doug & Linda
Stokes, Frank
Stonehouse, Mary
Stouse, Paul
Sundgaard, Don & Valerie

Thomas, Joan
Thompson, Barbara
Thompson, Tom
Township of Sioux Narrows, Wanda Kabel 
Treavor, Gail
Trottier, Marc - NOVA Chemicals
Turenne, Deborah

VanHooft, Gerry & Kim

Walls, Jim & Joann
Walne, Lorraine
Warner, Phil
Wemyss, Adrienne
Wiggins, Tom
Wilton, Ed
Wong, Mario


"Comments filed in Hard Copy Document Only"
Adams, Kevin
Allen, Heatha
Alton & Associates
Andave, Paula
Arctic Circle Lodge
Bannon, E.
Barber, Keith
Barristers, Fegurson
Baxter, Moyra
Bayview Estate Ratepayers Association (Petition of 14 signatures)
Beadle, Eddie
Bedford, Manville
Beingenau, Dale
Beldom, Donna J.
Benko, Lois
Benson, Garry
Berg, Herman & Nellie
Bergquist, Benita
Bevan, L.T.
Boss, Suzanne
Bourgeois, Alexandre
Bowen, Edith
Boylos, Diana
Brown, Donald & Sharron
Brown, J.
Brown, Jim & Sadie
Buchanan, Keith & Pat
C. Edna M.
Campbell Howe, Betty
Cariboo Economic Action Forum
Case A, Brent
Celebrity Sportswear Plus
Chambre de commerce régionale de Portneuf
Chiswell, C.J.
City of Abbostford
City of Camrose
City of Colwood
City of Dawson Creek
City of Kelowna
City of St-Albert
Clark, Fred
Cobb, Dorothy J.
Cockell, Keith
Confalone, Carmine
Council, Kitkatla
County, Strathcona
Cowan, Ian
Crerar, Jack & Maureen
Crocker, Mike & Jackie
Delzen, H.
Deschênes, Jean
Desrosiers, Solange
Dickson, Phyllis
District of Hope
District of Mackenzie
District of Mission - M. Pearson
District of Sicamous
District of Sooke
District of Squamish
Dyck, David & Jamie
E. Palfrey
Elliott, M.F.
Erickson, Arnold
Evans, Wayne
Fiddler, Sandra
Flanagan, G.R.
Fodd, Leonard & June
Forbes, Alrik
Forbes, Bev
Foster, B.
Fraser, Jean R.
Gagnon, Denise
Gaye, Claude H.
George Pringle Secondary School
Gladstone, Jan
Gordara Farms Ltd.
Goulden, Eileen
Grant, A.J.
Grant, D. & M.
Grates Agencies Ltd.
Grieve, Roy & Pat
Groove, G.O.
Hagan, Lynn
Hahru, Lois M.
Hallman, G.H.
Hamm, L.R.
Harington, J.
Hilland, William
Hooker, Phyllis
Horneley, Stan
Houde, Julie
Howpins, Susanne
Irwin, Andrew John
Irwin, Rod
Jensen, Fern
Jensen, Janice
Johnson, David
Kandt, Ron
Kelowna Chamber of Commerce
Kenyon, F.
Klassen, Henry
Kovac,Paul & Ann
Krabsen, Earl & Gretchen
Krant, Ken
Lachance, Claude
LaCloche Manitoulin Business Assistance Corp.
Lafond, Pierre
Laidlaw, Miriam B.
Lake Babine Nation
Land of Nipignon Chamber of Commerce
Langton, John
Leckie, Dolores R.
Leroux, Janice A. (Petition of 221 signatures)
Lessard, Hélène
Lodge, Lakeside
MacIntyre, David
MacKenzie, Robert
MacMillan, Robert
Manitoulin Island
Manitoulin, Central
Mast, Klaus & Doris M.
McBridge, Bery J.
McCallum, Ian A.C.
McGigney, Carol
McGinn, Mike
McLean, Scott
McLeod, Allan R.
Michel Byette
Miller, Shirley & Jack
Mineau, Marie
MRC de Beauharnois-Salaberry
Municipalité de Lanoraie
Municipalité de Saint-Luc-de-Bellechasse
Municipalité de Ste-Blandine
Municipality de St-David-de-Falardeau
Municipality of Asiginack
Munro, Richard
Newton, George H.
Nichol, Paster Kevin
Nuytten, Laurine & George
Nyland, Jim
Nystrom, John & Rose
O'Keefe, Pat.
Ocean Falls Economic Development Committee
Ocean Falls Historical Society
Office of the Regional Chair
Olive, Patrick W.
Olson, Jason & Debbie
Owen Irwin, Martin
Pallett, Katleen
Peachland Chamber of Commerce
Peachland District Retirement Society
Peachland Senior Citizens Housing Society
Peachland Voters' Association
Pilon, Louise
Poirier, R.
Prange, John & Catherine
Preece, Corrie
Queen Charlotte Islands Chamber of Commerce
Quesnelle, Jim & Helen
Regional District of North Okanagan
Reid, Lorna M.
Robinson, B.D.
Rolly, Magee
Ruzesky, Shirley M.
Ryder, James & Patricia
Sauderson, William J.
Schierbeck, Peter & Deloras
Severson, S.E.
Shaw, Pat
Shelton, John
Shoaf, Lori
Shuwera, Brenda
Silver Swans Gift Boutique
Sinclair, Margaret G
Sinclair, Vonda
Skeena Cedar Ltd.
Skeith, Alan
Smith, Mayor Bill
Smith, Sherril
Smoky Lake Chamber of Commerce
Sobool, Melanie
Standard School
Stevens, Hillyard & Kim
Stufon, John & Florence
Tait, Shawn
Taylor, Daun & Jeff
Thaleshvar, Hansa
The Corporation of the City of Grand Forks
The Corporation of the City of New Westminster
The Corporation of the City of Rossland
The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
The Corporation of the District of Peachland
The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil
The Corporation of the Township of Black River-Matheson
The Corporation of the Village of Midway
The Corporation of the Village of Montrose
The Corporation of the Village of Warfield
The Villa of Granisle
The Village of Burns Lake
The Village of Carbon
The Village of Chase
Thordarson, Leah
Timm, Harold
Town of Barrehad
Town of Bonnyville
Town of Coaldale
Town of Devon
Town of Devon- Alberta
Town of Falher
Town of Gibsons
Town of Gore Bay
Town of Ladysmith
Town of Legal
Town of Legal Alberta
Town of Millet
Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Island
Town of Okotoks
Town of Sidney
Town of Taber
Township of Evanturel
Township of Springwater
Township of Tehkummah
Township of Whitewater Region
Tremblay, Suzanne
Van Durston, Joan
Vavala, Teresa & Tony
Village of Gold River
Village of Irricana
Village of Munson
Village of Port Alice
Village of Standard
Village of Warner
Village of Warner
Village of Zeballos
Vinnedge, Rob & Launna
Wade, Robert E.
Waldo, Ann
Waldo, George E.
Waldron, Eric
Wambacher, Peter
Warburton, Wendy & Frank
Ward, Marjory I.
Weidner, Randall
Weisgarber, Larry J.
White, Jim
Wiebe, Allan & Diane
Williams, Doug & Laura
Wilthsire, R.
Wirick, Harold E.
Wooley, Eric
Wright, Dianne
Wurst, Gerald J.

Section 2g) Reply comments

2001/11/29 - RSL COM Canada Inc.
Reply Comments
Document: 011129.doc - 48KB

2001/11/29 - ARC et al - "Hard  Copy Document"
ARC et al's Reply comments focus on the following issues: criteria for further expansion of local calling areas; the importance of consumer choice; the role of municipalities; recovery of foregone toll revenues; and market-based approaches to EAS.

2001/11/29 - Bell Canada & MTS Communications Inc.
Pursuant to the procedures established in paragraph 22 of Public Notice 2001-47, Framework for the expansion of local calling areas and relatedissues, the reply comments are submitted on behalf of Bell Canada and MTS Communications Inc.
Document: 011129.doc - 162KB

2001/11/29 - Ontario Telecommunications Association (OTA)
Pursuant to paragraph 22 of the Public Notice CRTC 2001-47, the Ontario Telecommunications Association, on behalf of its twenty (20) member companies listed in Appendix A, provides the following reply comments.
Document: - 174KB

2001/11/29 - TELUS Communications Inc.
In accordance with the procedure set out by the Commission in paragraph 22 of Public Notice CRTC 2001-47, TELUS hereby files its Reply Comments.
Document: - 43KB

2001/11/29 - Tatlayoko Think Tank
The following Final Reply Arguments are submitted by TTT et al in response to the above-mentioned Public Notice.
Document: 011129.doc - 155KB

2001/11/29 - City of Ottawa
We are solicitors for the City of Ottawa ("Ottawa") in this matter. In accordance with the procedures set out in the above noted Public Notice, Ottawa is pleased to submit its reply comments in this proceeding.
Document: - 168KB

2001/11/29 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel")
In accordance with the Commission's directions in Public Notice CRTC 2001-47 dated 27 April 2001, Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) provides herewith its Reply Comments.
Document: - 29KB

2001/11/29 - Aliant Telecom
As directed in Public Notice CRTC 20001-47, Aliant Telecom provides the following reply comments.
Document: 011129.doc - 147KB


Section 5) Responses to Interrogatories

2001/10/25 - TELUS Communications Inc.
In accordance with the directive contained in the Attachment to the Commission's letter of October 17, 2001, please find attached a revised response to interrogatory TELUS(CRTC)27Aug01-103.
Document: - 10KB  

2001/10/18 - Northwestel's Inc.
As part of the above noted proceeding, on August 27, 2001, Northwestel ("The Company") received an additional interrogatory from Telus Inc.
Document: - 127KB

2001/10/03 - RSL COM Canada Inc.
RSL COM Canada Inc. is herewith filing a revised response to the interrogatory RSL(CRTC)27Aug01-200 PN01-47.
Document: - 8KB


2001/09/27 - Northwestel Inc.
As part of the above noted proceeding, on August 27, 2001, Northwestel ("The Company") received interrogatories addressed to The Company by the CRTC and ARC et al.
Document: - 60KB

2001/09/27 - Telebec / Northern Telephone
Pursuant to the procedures set out by the Commission at paragraph 17 of Public Notice 2001-47, Télébec and Northern Telephone Limited collectively ("the Companies") submit the attached responses to interrogatories posed by the City of Ottawa.
Document:  010927.doc - 1366KB

2001/09/24 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications
In accordance with the Commission's directives in Public Notice CRTC 2001-47, Saskatchewan Telecommunications provides herewith interrogatory responses to ARC et al, City of Ottawa, Competition Bureau and the CRTC.
Document: - 133KB

2001/09/24 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Pursuant to the procedures set out in the above noted Public Notice, Call-Net Enterprises is submitting the attached interrogatory responses.
Document: - 26KB


2001/09/24 - RSL COM Canada Inc.
Pursuant to the directions contained in the above-cited Public Notice, enclosed are the responses of RSL COM Canada Inc. to the interrogatories posed by the Commission, ARC et al, Bell Canada et al (collectively, The Companies), the City of Ottawa and Telus on 27 August 2001.
Document: - 99KB

2001/09/24 - O.N.Telcom
Pursuant to the procedures set forth in Public Notice CRTC 2001-47, Framework for the expansion of local calling areas and related issues, O.N.Telcom files its responses to interrogatories.
Document: - 27KB

2001/09/24 - TELUS Communications Inc.
In accordance with the procedures set out by the Commission in Public Notice CRTC 2001-47, please find attached responses to interrogatories addressed to TELUS Communications Inc. ("TELUS") by the Commission and other parties on August 27, 2001.
Document: - 187KB

2001/09/24 - Bell Canada and MTS Communications Inc.
Pursuant to the procedures set out by the Commission at paragraph 17 of Public Notice 2001-47, Bell Canada and MTS Communications Inc. (collectively, the Companies) submit the attached responses to interrogatories.
Document:  010924_1.doc - 109KB  - - 291KB


2001/09/24 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Aliant Telecom's response to interrogatories addressed to the Company on 2001-08-27 by the CRTC,  ARC et al, the Competition Bureau and the City of Ottawa.
Document: - 134KB

2001/09/24 - Ontario Telecommunications Association (OTA)
Pursuant to the Commission's PN2001-47 - Framework for the Expansion of Local Calling Areas and Related Issues, the OTA is filing the responses to interrogatories.
Document: - 205KB

2001/09/24 - McCarthy Thétrault on behalf of City of Ottawa
In accordance with the procedures set out in the above-noted Public Notice, attached is the City of Ottawa's responses to interrogatories.
Document: - 31KB

2001/09/22 - Tatlayoko Think Tank
Attached please find the responses to ACA Interrogatories from the Tatlayoko Think Tank et. al.
Document:  010922.doc - 30KB


2001/09/21 - Télébec
Réponses aux demandes de renseignements du 27 août 2001
Document:  010921.doc - 1364KB

2001/07/28 - Multi-Sync Communications
We wish to take this opportunity to respond to your interrogatories dated 27 August 2001 addressed to RSL COM Canada Inc (RSL) regarding the City of Ottawa and the City of Greater Sudbury.
Document:  010828.pdf - 78KB

2001/08/28 - Multi-Sync Communications
Responses to Interrogatories
Document:   010828.pdf - 78KB

Section 8) Miscellaneous Documents

2002/09/10 - Tatlayoko Think Tank
Description: The Tatlayoko Think Tank made application for an award of costs for its participation in Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2001-47 on December 17, 2001.
Document: 020910.htm - 2KB

2002/01/15 - Tatlayoko Think Tank
We are in receipt of a letter dated December 21, 2001 from Bell/MTS, and a letter dated January 7, 2002 from TELUS, responding to the TTT et al's application for costs in this proceeding.
Document: 020115.doc - 149KB

2002/01/07 - TELUS Communications Inc.
TELUS Communications Inc. ("TELUS") is in receipt of an application for costs from the Tatlayoko Think Tank et al. ("TTT") dated December 17, 2001 for its participation in the proceeding initiated by PN 2001-47.
Document: 020107.doc - 43KB

2002/01/04 - Public Interested Advocacy Centre - "Hard Copy Document"
We are in receipt of letters dated Dec. 21st from Bell/MTS, Aliant, SaskTel, and TELUS, as well as a letter dated Dec.24th from Telebec/Northern, responding to ARC et al's application for costs in this proceeding.

2001/12/24 - Télébec & Northern Telephone - "Hard Copy Document"
Télébec et Northern Telephone (les entreprises) ont reçu copies des demandes d'adjudication des frais de Tatlayoko Think et al (TTT et al.) et ARC et al. pour leur intervention dans le dossier mentionné en rubrique.

2001/12/21 - TELUS Communications Inc.
TELUS Communications Inc. ("TELUS") is in receipt of an application for costs from ARC et al. dated December 13, 2001 for its participation in the proceeding initiated by PN 2001-47.
Document: 011221.doc - 40KB

2001/12/21 - Bell Canada and MTS Communications Inc.
Bell Canada and MTS Communications Inc. (the Companies) have received the application for costs of Tatlayoko Think Tank et al (TTT et al) in the above-noted proceeding, by letter dated 17 December 2001. TTT et al filed its supporting costs documentation with the application.
Document: 011221_4.doc - 111KB

2001/12/21 - Bell Canada and MTS Communications Inc.
Bell Canada and MTS Communications Inc. (the Companies) have received an application for costs of ARC et al in the above-noted proceeding, by letter dated 13 December 2001. ARC et al filed its supporting costs documentation with the application.
Document: 011221_3.doc - 111KB

2001/12/21 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel")
Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel") is in receipt of a bill of costs and affidavit of disbursements from ARC et al, pursuant to PN CRTC 2000-47 by letter dated 13 December 2001. ARC et al filed its supporting costs documentation with the application.
Document: 011221.doc - 69KB

2001/12/21 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Reply of Aliant Telecom Inc. to the application for costs of ARC et al in the PN 2001-47 proceeding.
Document: 011221.doc - 129KB

2001/12/17 - Tatlayoko Think Tank et al
Pursuant to CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure Section 44 (1) and PN CRTC 98-11 the Tatlayoko Think Tank et al (TTT et al) hereby makes application for an immediate award of costs in this proceeding.
Document: 011217.doc - 118KB

2001/12/13 - Public Interest Advocay Centre - "Hard Copy Document"
ARC et al hereby apply for an award of costs for their participation in this proceeding, pursuant to the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure and Telecom Public Notice CRTC 98-11.

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