Rogers Communications Partnership - AMT 34 - 8740-R28-201317108

Service d'accès Internet de tiers - 2013-12-04

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2014-01-28 - Rogers Communications Partnership
Description: Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”) herein files its reply comments associated with Rogers’ Tariff Notice 34 (“TN 34”) responding to comments received on January 21, 2014 from CNOC Inc (“CNOC”). Rogers has not received an intervention from any other party on this Tariff Notice.
Document: 2067053.pdf - 173 Ko

2014-01-21 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.
Description: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) hereby gives notice of its intention to be an intervener in the above-cited tariff proceeding whereby Rogers proposes the introduction of a monthly end-user access rate for a new 250Mbps Downstream (“D”) / 20Mbps Upstream (“U”) speed tier for Rogers’ Aggregated Point of Interconnection (“POI”) Third Party Internet Access (“TPIA”) with the support of the Rogers Report on the Economic Evaluation for Third Party Internet Access Service Monthly End-User Access Rate dated December 4, 2013 (“Rogers Cost Study” or “Cost Study”).
Document: 2058417.pdf - 136 Ko

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