Vidéotron ltée - AMT 31 - 2010-03-01 - # 8740-V3-201004035

Tarif général - Accès Internet aux tierces parties

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2010-05-27 - Ordonnance de télécom CRTC 2010-313 Videotron Ltd. – Destandardization of certain third party Internet access services
File number: TN 31

2010-03-10 - Ordonnance de télécom CRTC 2010-139 Ordonnance simplifiée
Le Conseil approuve provisoirement la demande tarifaire suivante : AMT 31 de Vidéotron ltée.

2010-04-14 - Vidéotron ltée
Description: Quebecor Media Inc. (QMI), on behalf of its affiliate Videotron, is in receipt of comments filed by Cronomagic Canada Inc. (Cronomagic) on the above-noted tariff notice. These comments were filed with the Commission on 01 April 2010 and copied to QMI on 09 April 2010. No other comments were received from Videotron’s TPIA customers.
Document:  1381618.pdf - 35KO

2010-04-01 - Cronomagic Canada Inc.
Description: Cronomagic Canada Inc. was informed by Videotron the withdraw of 2 current services by April 13, 2010 Exterme High-Speed and Extreme Plus High-Speed.
Document: 1379242.pdf - 15KO

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