TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI) (maintenant TELUS Communications Company) - AMT - 627 - 2010-04-29 - # 8740-T42-201007443

Tarif général - Barème des tarifs locaux d'affaires de base, Option de contrat du service d'affaires local et autres

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2010-05-04 - TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”)
Description: TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”) filed the tariff notices listed above with the Commission on April 30, 2010. In these tariff notices, TELUS stated “For services with proposed rate decreases, all of the proposed rates have been lower in the past, therefore no imputation test or certification is required.” For clarification, TELUS certifies that all of the proposed rates in the tariff notices listed above are higher than the price floors for these services.
Document: 1389226.pdf - 20KB

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