2007-12-17 - # 8740-S61-200715360 - Shaw Telecom Inc. - AMT 8/C - Modification

2007-11-28 - # 8740-S61-200715360 - Shaw Telecom Inc. - AMT 8/B - Modification

2007-11-08 - # 8740-S61-200715360 - Shaw Telecom Inc. - AMT 8/A - Modification

2007-10-30 - # 8740-S61-200715360 - Shaw Telecom Inc. - AMT 8 - Tarif général -Tarifs des ESLC applicables à l'interconnexion

2007-12-27 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Shaw Telecom Inc. - Objet: Avis de modification tarifaire 8/C - Tarifs d'interconnexion des ESLC

2007-12-12 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Shaw Telecom Inc.- Objet: Avis de modification tarifaire 8/B - Tarifs d'interconnexion des ESLC

2007-11-27 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications
Description: On 19 November 2007 Shaw was granted interim approval in Telecom Order CRTC 2007-431 of Tariff Notice 8 and 8A (TN 8 and TN 8A), which dealt with Competitive Local Exchange Carrier ( CLEC) rates for interconnection.
Document: 835064.doc - 50KO

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