2007-11-09 - # 8740-B2-200715948 - Bell Canada - AMT 7081 - Tarif général - Service d'accès par passerelle

2008-01-17 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Dossier #: 8740-B2-200715948 - 8740-B54-200715956
Description: Lettre adressée à Bell Canada - Avis de modification tarifaire 7081 de Bell Canada et Avis de modification tarifaire 134 de Bell Aliant - Service d'accès par passerelle

2007-12-20 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of letters dated 22 November 2007 from Xittel Communications Inc. on behalf of the Coalition of Internet Service Providers Inc. (CISP), 3 December 2007 from Distributel Communications Limited (Distributel), 7 December 2007 from CISP and 7 December 2007 from Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. (Primus).  
Document: 845121.doc - 91KO

2007-12-07 - The Coalition of Internet Service Providers Inc. and Xittel
Description: The Coalition opposes the substantial rate increase proposed by Bell Canada which for most CISP members equates to $0.50 per month for all DSL accesses.
Document: 840084.doc - 26KO

2007-12-07 - Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.
Description: Pursuant to Part II of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of
Procedure, Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. (“Primus”) is filing the
following intervention with respect to Bell Canada Tariff Notice No. 7081
(“TN 7081”) and Bell Aliant Tariff Notice No. 134 (“TN 134”).
Document: 839973.pdf - 58KO

2007-12-03 - Distributel Communications Limited
Description: Distributel is in receipt of Bell Canada 's Tariff Notice 7081 ("TN 7081") on Gateway Access Service ("GAS") dated 9 November 2007.
Document: 837432.doc - 40KO

2007-10-22 - Coalition of Internet Service Providers inc. (CISP)
Description: This letter is to advise the Commission that the Coalition of Internet Service Providers inc. (CISP) is preparing an intervention in this file which it intends to file no later than December 7 th 2007.
Document: 832938.doc - 928KO

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