2006-01-18 - #8740-T42-200600537 - TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI) - AMT 555 - Tarif général - Réductions - Églises, centres communautaires et centres d'accueil pour personnes âgées

2006-06-30 - Ordonnances de Télécom CRTC 2006-165 Le Conseil approuve, sous réserve d'une modification, une demande présentée par TELUS Communications Company en vue d'accorder un droit acquis aux abonnés du service visé par l'article 430, Réductions - Églises, centres communautaires et centres d'accueil pour personnes âgées, de son Tarif général. Référence : AMT 555.

2006-03-20 - Deerlodge Community Hall
Description: I am writing in regards to the letter our community hall received about the proposed rate plan changes to your discounted rate plan holders.
606357.pdf - 100KO

2006-03-20 - Darwell District Recreation Association
Description: Our organization currently receives a discounted rate from TELUS in that we pay the residential monthly rate, rather than the business monthly rate.
605242.pdf - 80KO

2006-03-16 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: The following are the reply comment by TCC in response to comments filed by various parties with respect to Former TCI Tariff Notice No. 555.
603361.pdf - 83KO

2006-03-14 - Darwell District Recreation Association
Description: Our organization currently receives a discounted rate from TELUS in that we pay the residential monthly rate, rather than the business monthly rate. TELUS has filed an application (TCI Tarrif Notice No 555) to discontinue offering this discount to customers.
601863.doc - 22KBO

2006-03-03 - Woodynook Christian Reformed Church
Description: We are concerned that Telus has filed an application (TCI Tariff Notice No. 555) to discontinue offering a discounted rate to churches, community centres and senior citizen drop-in centres.
598708.doc - 22KO

2006-03-02 - St. Peter's Anglican Church
Description: St Peters Anglican Church received a letter from Telus dated January 13, 2006 regarding the above matter.
598353.doc - 28KO

2006-03-02 - Solid Rock Free Lutheran Church
Description: The fact that Telus supports Churches, Community Centers and Senior Citizen Centers with discounted rates is much appreciated.
598340.doc - 21KO

2006-03-01 - Vestry of St. Peter's Anglican Church
Description:  St. Peters Anglican Church received a letter from TELUS dated January 13, 2006 regarding the above matter.
602328.pdf - 72KO

2006-03-01 - George VanderBurg, MLA
Description: I am very surprised that Telus Communications would consider pursuing an application that would result in ceasing to offer a residential monthly telephone servicwe rate to churches, community centres and senior citizen's drop-in centres.
600045.pdf - 48KO

en haut

2006-02-22 - Woodlands County
Description: It has been brought to my attention of our Council that Telus Communications intends to pursue an application (TCI Tariff Notice No. 555) with respect to the discontinuance of reduced telephone service rates for Churches, Community Centres and Senior Citizen's Drop-In Centres.
599176.pdf - 679KO

2006-02-21 - Rimbey and District Drop in Centre
Description: We, the volunteers of the Rimbey and District Drop in Society would like to protest, the unfairness of your new up coming proposal to discontinue the discounted rate for Seniors Drop in Centres, Churches and Community Centres.
599171.pdf - 72KO

2006-02-21 - St-Johns Lutheran Church
Description: We were invited by TELUS to make comment on their "Proposed Changes to Rate Plan for Churches, Community Centres and Senior Citizen Drop-In Centres."
593873.doc - 21KO

2006-02-18 - Hinton Flying Club
Description: I am writing on behalf of the Hinton Flying Club to express our concern for Telus's proposal to discontinue the granting of discounted rates for new organizations beginning April 10, 2006 and for previous groups beginning June 2006.
596216.pdf - 66KO

2006-02-18 - Smith Half Century Plus Association
Description:  It is with concern that we have read of the proposed changes to rate plan for churches, community centers and senior citizen drop-in centers, submitted by Telus in Alberta.
598175.pdf - 128KO

2006-02-17 - Topland Recreation Society
Description:  The Topland Recreatrion Society would like to file their objection to the proposed changes in the telephone rate for our community hall.
598173.pdf - 73KO

2006-02-08 - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Description: I am writing this letter on behalf of the leaders and membership of the Medicine Hat Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints located in Medicine Hat and area of South-eastern Alberta.
592796.doc - 29KO

2006-02-13 - Beatty Heritage House Society
Description: We have recently received notification that our reduced telephone rate may be changed by Telus, from a special rate afforded non-profit organizations to the regular corporate price.
591176.doc - 20KO

2006-02-07 - Garry Jacobs
Description: I wish to express my displeasure with yet another huge multinational, multimillion dollar organization needing to feed off the poor, donation only supported, registered "non profit" societies and churches, by wanting to disallow a small discount allowed on their phone bill, afforded them in the past.
588390.doc - 20KO

en haut

2006-02-06 - Canyon Meadows Community Association
Description:  We received your letter dated January 13, 2006 regarding the proposal to change the discounted rates that have been provided to our Community Association.
592110.pdf - 1,707KO

2006-02-06 - West Meadowlark Community League
Description: We received a letter from Telus indicating that they have filed an application (TCI Tariff Notice No. 555) with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to discontinue offering a discount on our phone lines.
588386.doc - 22KO

2006-02-04 - David Panton
Description:  I protest this proposed tariff change by Telus.
592115.pdf - 53KO

2006-02-01 - Shady Hook Community Centre
Description:  I am the treasurer for Shady Hook Community Centre which is a rural hall 12 miles south west of Red Deer, A.B.
588119.pdf - 254KO

2006-01-31 - West Park Nazarene Church
Description: I would like you to know that I am not pleased about the proposed rate changes that are being planned for churches and other non-profit type centres.
586221.doc - 2KO

2006-01-30 - The Senior Citizen's Club of Drayton Valley
Description: Our Club received the attached letter from TELUS, concerning a proposed increase in the rate whicha pplies to our Clubs's single telelphone.
599817.pdf - 830KO

2006-01-30 - Colleen Nahernik
Description: I have some concerns with regards to discontinuing the discount for non-profit organizations.
585458.doc - 21KO

2006-01-27 - Newell Community Action Group
Description: I wish to communicate my concerns regarding a proposed increase in tariff rates for registered non-profit groups such as ours.
584801.doc - 22KO

2006-01-26 - Hays Multi-Purpose Building Society
Description:  We oppose paying the proposed increased rate for Telus' phone services.
587839.pdf - 52KO

2006-01-26 - Knox United Church
Description: Knox United Church has been advised that TELUS has filed this application to the CRTC.
585927.pdf - 77KO

2006-01-24 - Phil Rohatynski
Description: I am writing on behalf of Dove Ministries, a struggling small church congregation in Edmonton, with regards to Telus application TCI Tariff Notice No. 555 for discontinuing telephone rate discounts to churches.
582934.doc - 21KO

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