2006-07-21 - #8740-A53-200609381 - Aliant Telecom Inc. - AMT 205 - Tarif général - Service de communications d'affaires évolué

2006-09-14 - Ordonnance de télécom - 2006-243 - Le Conseil approuve la demande tarifaire suivante : AMT 205 (Aliant Telecom Inc.) de Bell Aliant Communications régionales, société en commandite. (ordonnance simplifiée)

2006-09-01 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications Limited Partnership
Description: As per the Commission's staff letter of 2006 08 16, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership ("Bell Aliant" or "the Company") hereby files the requested imputation test associated with Aliant Tariff Notice No. 205, which introduces Enhanced Answering Position as a service option in Enhanced Business Communications service in New Brunswick.
660498.zip - 139KO

2006-08-16 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Aliant Telecom Inc. - Objet: Avis de modification tarifaire 205 d'Aliant Telecom - Service de communications d'affaires évolué

2006-08-11 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications Limited Partnership
Description:  In response to your correspondence of 25 July, 2006 and conversations between John Bujold with Ron Carrara of your office, Bell Aliant Regional Communications Limited Partnership ("Bell Aliant" or "the Company") advises that we are unable to file an imputation test at this time due to limitations of staffing due to vacation scheduling and associated workloads.
653710.pdf - 54KO

2006-07-25 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Bell Aliant Regional Communications, L.P. - Objet: Avis de modification tarifaire 205 d'Aliant - Service de communications d'affaires évolué

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