2001/01/31 - #: 8740-O2-072/01 - Ontario Telecommunications Association (OTA) - AMT 72 - Tarif des services d'accès des entreprises pour 2001

2001/08/28 - Ontario Telecommunications Association (OTA)
Description: Tariff pages for the Final 2001 Carrier Access Tariff (CAT) as approved by the CRTC per Order 2001-644.
010828.zip - 174KO

2001/06/08 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the Commission's letter dated 24 April 2001 and received by Bell Canada on 15 May 2001, the Company provides its responses to the Commission's interrogatories.
010608.zip - 44KO

2001/05/11 - AT&T Canada Corp.
Description: In accordance with the Telecom Decision CRTC 99-5, Review of Contribution Regime of Independent Telephone Companies in Ontario and Québec, and further to the request made by the Commission in its letter dated 24 April 2001, the attached responses to the following interrogatories are submitted by AT&T Canada Corp. ("AT&T Canada") in confidence.
010511A.doc - 48KO

2001/05/11 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc. on behalf of itself and all affiliates
Description: Pursuant to the letter dated 24 April 2001 concerning the above noted subject, Call-Net Enterprises Inc. ("Call-Net") on behalf of all its affiliates provides the attached responses.
010511.doc - 36KO

2001/04/24 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à AT&T Canada Corp. - Objet: Ontario Telecommunications Association (OTA) - Tarifs des services d'accès de l'entreprise pour 2001

2001/04/24 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à Bell Canada - Objet: Ontario Telecommunications Association (OTA) - Tarifs des services d'accès de l'entreprise pour 2001

2001/04/24 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à Call-Net Technology Services Inc. (for Sprint Canada Inc.) - Objet: Ontario Telecommunications Association (OTA) - Tarifs des services d'accès de l'entreprise pour 2001

2001/04/24 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à Ontario Telecommunications Association - Objet: Ontario Telecommunications Association (OTA) - Tarifs des services d'accès de l'entreprise pour 2001

2001/03/29 - Ontario Telecommunications Association
Description: OTA Response to Bell Comments
010329.zip - 400KO

2001/03/02 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada is in receipt of Tariff Notice No. 72 (TN 72) filed on 31 January 2001 and revised on 6 February 2001 by the OTA, on behalf of the OTA Carrier Access Tariff (CAT) participants listed therein.
010302_1.doc - 64KO

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