NorthernTel Limited Partnership - TN 387 - 8740-N51-201601170

General Tariff - Residential Call Management Bundle - 2016-01-28

Please note that the description following the name of the document has been supplied by an entity not subject to the Official Languages Act and is therefore offered as a courtesy only. Thus, the description is in the language in which it was transmitted to us.

2016-03-21 - NorthernTel Limited Partnership
Description: On January 28, 2016, NorthernTel Limited Partnership files its Group B Tariff Notice 387 regarding its Residential Call Management Bundle. With the present letter we wish to withdraw our application.
Document: 2563908.doc - 43KB

2016-03-08 - Commission Letter - Description: Letter addressed to NorthernTel Limited Partnership - Subject: NorthernTel Limited Partnership Tariff Notice 387

2016-02-16 - NorthernTel Limited Partnership
Description: This letter is in response to correspondence received from the Commission on 11 February 2016 regarding the above-mentioned subject.
Document: 2543037.doc - 84KB

2016-02-11 - Commission Letter - Description: Letter addressed to Michel Gilbert (NorthernTel Limited Partnership) - Subject: NorthernTel Tariff Notice 387 – General Tariff


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