MTS Inc. - TN 766 - 8740-M59-201503095

General Tariff - Province-Wide Enhanced E9-1-1 Service - 2015-03-31

Please note that the description following the name of the document has been supplied by an entity not subject to the Official Languages Act and is therefore offered as a courtesy only. Thus, the description is in the language in which it was transmitted to us.

2015-05-15 - MTS Inc.
Description : MTS Inc. is in receipt of an intervention that was filed with the Commission by Westman Media Cooperative Ltd. (Westman) on 5 May 2015 regarding the MTS Inc. (MTS) Tariff Notice No. 766 application (TN 766) associated with proposed revisions to MTS General Tariff (CRTC 24001), Item 485, Province-Wide Enhanced E9-1-1 Service (Provincial E9-1-1). 
Document : 2339456.docx - 120KB

2015-05-05 - Westman Media Cooperative Ltd.
Description: Westman Media Cooperative Ltd. submits this intervention in response to MTS' proposal to revise its General Tariff 24001 with respect to Provincial E9-1-1.
Document: 2331325.pdf - 166KB

2015-05-04 - MTS Inc
Description: MTS Inc. is in receipt of an intervention that was filed with the Commission by Rogers Communications Partnership (Rogers) on 23 April 2015 regarding the MTS Inc. (MTS) Tariff Notice No. 766 application (TN 766) associated with proposed revisions to MTS General Tariff (CRTC 24001), Item 485, Province-Wide Enhanced E9-1-1 Service (Provincial E9-1-1).  
Document: 2330227.docx - 117KB

2015-04-23 - Rogers Communications Partnership
Description: Rogers Communications Partnership submits this intervention in response to MTS’ proposed 9-1-1 tariff revision. Rogers recognizes the requirement of moving to an IP based network to support a more robust, resilient and future ready 9-1-1 network. While these upgrades are necessary and are being carried out by other ILECs, Rogers has some specific concerns with the design of MTS’ 9-1-1 network.
Document: 2322935.pdf - 25KB

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