Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) - TN 290 - 8740-S22-201317397

Carrier Access Tariff - Wireless Service Provider Enhanced Provincial 9-1-1 Network Access Service - 2013-12-13

Please note that the description following the name of the document has been supplied by an entity not subject to the Official Languages Act and is therefore offered as a courtesy only. Thus, the description is in the language in which it was transmitted to us.

2014-10-03 - Telecom order CRTC 2014-514 Saskatchewan Telecommunications – Introduction of Wireless Service Provider Enhanced Provincial 9-1-1 Network Access Service In-Call Location Update feature. File number: Tariff Notice 290

2014-01-07 - Telecom order CRTC 2014-1 The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications. Revised tariff pages are to be issued[1] within 10 days of the date of this order.

2014-01-28 - SaskTel
Description: SaskTel submits the following reply in response to the intervention of Rogers.
Document: 2067068.docx - 60KB

2014-01-15 - Québecor Média, au nom de sa filiale Vidéotron s.e.n.c.,
Description: Les présents commentaires sont soumis par Québecor Média, au nom de sa filiale Vidéotron s.e.n.c., eu égard à l’AMT 290 susmentionné en rubrique et déposé par SaskTel le 13 décembre 2013.
Document: 2055314.pdf - 20KB

2014-01-13 - Rogers Communications Partnership
Description: Rogers Communications Partnership (Rogers) submits this intervention in response to Tariff Notice 290 (TN 290) filed by SaskTel on December 13, 2013.
Document: 2053718.pdf - 63KB

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