Fido Solutions Inc. - TN 21 - 8740-F21-201104017

General Tariff - Revisions to the Competitive Local Exchange Carrier Tariff - 2011-02-23

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File Closed - Commission Letter - 2011-03-18

2011-03-18 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Fido Solutions Inc. – Re: Tariff Notice 21 – Revisions to the Competitive Local Exchange Carrier Access Services Tariff

2011-03-16 - Fido Solutions Inc.
Description: Fido hereby wishes to withdraw its TN 21 that was filed with the Commission on February 23rd, 2011. In accordance with paragraph 24 of Telecom Order 2011-79, Fido will issue under a separate cover a revised Page 23 - Compensation for Traffic Termination (CRTC 21300, Access Services Tariff) in order to reflect the changes that were mandated by the Commission in Telecom Order 2011-79.
Document: - 49KB

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