Cogeco Câble inc. - TN 34 - 2010-12-10 - # 8740-C6-201018052

General Tariff - Rates and Charges for TPIA Service Elements

Please note that the description following the name of the document has been supplied by an entity not subject to the Official Languages Act and is therefore offered as a courtesy only. Thus, the description is in the language in which it was transmitted to us.

2011-12-22 - Telecom regulatory policy CRTC 2011-703-1 Correction - Billing practices for wholesale residential high-speed access services
File numbers: 8661-C12-201102350, 8638-C12-201014620, 8638-C12-201016882, 8740-B2-201018317, 8740-B54-201018300, 8740-A53-201107103, 8740-M59-201017921, 8740-S22-201018474, 8740-T66-201011410, 8740-T69-201017848, 8740-R28-201018060, 8740-C6-201018052, 8740-S9-201017955, 8740-V3 201018201, 8740-B2-201107251, 8740-B54-201107235, and 8740-T66-201107152

2011-11-15 - Telecom regulatory policies CRTC - 2011-703 Billing practices for wholesale residential high-speed access services
File numbers: 8661-C12-201102350, 8638-C12-201014620, 8638-C12-201016882, 8740-B2-201018317, 8740-B54-201018300, 8740-A53-201107103, 8740-M59-201017921, 8740-S22-201018474, 8740-T66-201011410, 8740-T69-201017848, 8740-R28-201018060, 8740-C6-201018052, 8740-S9-201017955, 8740-V3 201018201, 8740-B2-201107251, 8740-B54-201107235, and 8740-T66-201107152

2011-04-01 - AlanIK Technologies
Description: This comment and objection is being made specifically to the new tariff rates on the TIERS or Packages being offer for TPIA and I am making this comment on behalf of my company ALANIK TECHNOLOGIES which has a TPIA agreement with COGECO CABLE INC.
Douments: - 7KB

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