Shaw Cablesystems Ltd. - TN 11/A - 2009-11-24 - #8740-S9-200915804

General Tariff - Rates and Charges for TPIA Service Elements

Shaw Cablesystems Ltd. - TN 11 - 2009-11-19 - #8740-S9-200915804

General Tariff - Rates and Charges for TPIA Service Elements

Please note that the description following the name of the document has been supplied by an entity not subject to the Official Languages Act and is therefore offered as a courtesy only. Thus, the description is in the language in which it was transmitted to us.

2010-12-23 - Telecom Order CRTC 2010-970 Shaw Cablesystems G.P. – Third-party Internet access rates
File numbers: Shaw Tariff Notices 9, 11, and 11A

2009-12-18 - Telecom Order CRTC 2009-792 Shaw Cablesystems G.P. – Proposed change to third-party Internet access service
File numbers: Tariff Notices 11 and 11A

2009-12-29 - TekSavvy Solutions Inc.
Description: TekSavvy Solutions Inc. (“TSI”) had intended to file an intervention with respect to Shaw TNs 11 and 11A. However, the Commission rendered Telecom Order CRTC 2009-792 (“Order 2009-792”), granting interim approval to the TNs before the due date for interventions.
Document: 1338728.pdf - 16KB

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