2008-04-28 - # 8740-T66-200803230 - TELUS Communications Company (TCC) - TN 287/A - General Tariff - Amendment
2008-02-28 - # 8740-T66-200803230 - TELUS Communications Company (TCC) - TN 287 - General Tariff - Call Director Package
2008-06-16 - Telecom Order CRTC 2008-169 Streamlined order
The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications:
Bell Aliant TN 182; Bell Canada TNs 889 (NST) and 7125; MTS Allstream Inc. TN 651; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 171 and 173; TELUS Communications Company TNs 287, 287A and 4305 (TCBC); Télébec, Limited Partnership TN 368.
2008-05-12 - Telecom Order CRTC 2008-136 TELUS Communications Company – Withdrawal of Call Director Package
Approved on an interim basis
Reference: TNs 287 and 287A
2008-04-18 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: On February 28, 2008 , TELUS Communications Company ("TCC" or the "Company") filed Tariff Notice No. 287 ("TN 287") proposing to withdraw Item 300.4B, Call Director Package , provided to residence customers.
Document: 892902.doc - 49KB
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